Show Israel the Red Card – Kick Israeli racism out of UEFA!

Show Israel the red card banner

Last night, I attended the England V Romania U21 Football match & as I neared the stadium, I saw the above banner unequivocally stating to “kick Israeli racism out of UEFA!”

After stopping and speaking to the chaps stood out in the freezing rain – handing out leaflets and stating their position – I was pleasantly surprised to see that this grass roots movement is beginning to take hold within the public conciousness.

One of my fellow bloggers – – (who you should be following!) has been writing on this issue for some time now:

More than twenty years after the spectre of apartheid was finally ended in South Africa, the very same system of state-sanctioned discrimination is alive and well in Israel today.

The Apartheid State of Israel discriminates against Palestinians in every walk of life, including sport.

The world of sport cannot be divorced from other aspects of life and the standards deemed acceptable by sporting bodies, sends very powerful signals to the public.

Since Israel was announced as host there have been a number of calls to boycott the tournament or for UEFA President Michel Platini to reverse his decision.

One well-known petition is organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

In the text of the petition it reminds Platini that “Hosting an international sporting competition is an honour. However, there is nothing honourable about the actions of Israel towards the Palestinian people. Your damaging decision sends the message that UEFA has no issue with the illegal and discriminatory treatment of Israel towards the Palestinian people.”

Perhaps Platini granted Israel the opportunity because Israel is a benevolent host – just ask the Ethiopian Jews who live there.

Ethiopian women were ‘kindly’ administered birth control shots without their knowledge

Prominent Israeli politicians join street demonstrations shouting ‘Blacks out’ and refer to Blacks in Israel as ‘cancers’ and ‘infiltrators’.

You all know that the leader of the free world, Barack Obama has gone to Israel to re-affirm his loyalty to the terrorist state (what do you think the millions of shekels in campaign donations buy?) THAT speech in Cairo seems like an awfully long time ago.

The Palestinian people are patient, but the patience is beginning to wear thin, the following a message pinned to a tent, on the ruins of a house bombed by the Israeli’s in one of their all too frequent attacks:

Obama Apartheid

And you know all too well what happens to the Palestinian Ghandi’s who protest peacefully:

i have a dream

“I have a dream” – not if you’re in the only democracy in the Middle East!

Remember to play your part – The world must rise against Israeli apartheid give zionism the red card!

kick israeli racism out of uefa


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Football, Palestine, Wycombe Watch

2 responses to “Show Israel the Red Card – Kick Israeli racism out of UEFA!

  1. Pingback: UEFA rewards apartheid state with football tournament | abdelxyz

  2. Pingback: Move European Under-21 Football Championship to England from Israel | abdelxyz

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