Tag Archives: The War OF Terror

Help for Heroes OR Help for Cowards?

Which of the above best describes the reality of the global war against Islam?

Eight members of an Afghan family, including six children, were killed by a Nato airstrike three days ago.

A U.S. terminator drone strike hit a village mosque in northwest Pakistan, at least 10 people were killed, six days ago.

The consequences of your global war against Islam/terror/brown people barely makes the news anymore.

We used to be “collateral damage” we’re not even worth two words anymore.

Do you really want to know what’s perverse & terrible?

Yes I support the troops, I support Joe Glenton when he said “British troops are dying in Americas’ wars”

I support the troops when they said the “Afghan War is about strategic influence; economics & mineral wealth”

You sold your soul to the American devil, Great Britain.

Do you still want that answer to your oft asked question, why is the Muslim world so angry?

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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Military Industrial Complex, War

Want to know what’s really perverse & terrible?

Victims of a US drone attack Pakistan May 2012

Hillary Clinton has the audacity to talk about the “perverse and terrible” lengths that terrorists go to, while the US government sends drones to murder a mother & her two daughters as they slept.

Remind me who’s the terrorist & who’s doing the terrorising?

It’s taken the Americans twenty years to realise that they are responsible for creating the situation in Afghanistan.

Maybe it’ll take them another twenty years to work out why the rest of the world hate them.

Keep dropping bombs on people the world over and keep asking yourselves the same questions – why are they angry? why are they radicalised?

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Filed under Afghanistan, Foreign Policy, Pakistan, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy

The Al-Qaeda underwear bomber works for the CIA

Yesterday I blogged on the ongoing COINTELPRO efforts of the CIA & this morning they were proved to be correct, the intelligence apparatus have been caught with their pants down!

The man at the heart of it all was revealed to in fact be working for the Saudi Arabian authorities and the CIA

A little too September 11 style?

While the media try and backtrack from the weekends sensationalised coverage, by using soundbites like “extraordinary intelligence coup” the only extraordinary aspect was how quickly their false flag operation fell apart.

You can bet your bottom dollar that there’s a hunt going on for whoever leaked this to the media.

The Times said that British officials were also involved, but added the security forces had declined to comment. The fact the media began running the story of “military grade explosives” being used, really should have got your bullshit detectors working overtime.

What’s more worrying is if the Muslim fallguy they were using for this had actually detonated a real bomb?

The intel agencies using Muslims to carry out their terrorist attacks?

There’s been plenty of instances where you’re not too sure if they are Al-Qaida Captains or CIA Agents.

Our very own Mi6 aren’t too shabby either, they had one Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili on their payroll whilst he was an Al-Qaeda operative carrying out many a bombing campaign.

Never believe the official narrative, always question.

So there you have it, conclusive proof that both the American and British intelligence agencies are in control of what you think are Al-Qaeda and it’s not The Akh that’s saying it, it’s your white terror expert media that are saying it.

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Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat

Creating the Terror Threat: CIA & Al-Qaeda’s Underwear Bomber V.2.0

Get your Al-CIAda boxer shorts – they’re the bomb!

The CIA COINTELPRO programme continues unabated, this time it’s the Al-CIAda in Yemen franchise that wants a piece of the action, by launching a new and improved underwear bomber. Presumably the Y fronts are out and boxer shorts are in? what if he goes commando next time?

Only last week I wrote how the Zombie of Bin Laden would be used to scare the pants off the free world, I didn’t realise the boys at Langley would be rehashing an old script.

I wonder how this particular underwear bomber was actually recruited by Al CIAda? Maybe they made him a diaper he couldn’t re-fuse?

We’ve already seen how the Israeli SITE intelligence group are responsible for decoding “hidden messages” in previous episodes of this farce.

I wonder how the underwear bomber paid for his ticket? Maybe with all the frequent fire points he’s racked up.

Or how about the fact that most suitcase bombs recovered from such entrapment cases are ones that are specially built for the intelligence agencies.

Maybe the underwear bomber was caught when he booked his seat – as he was sitting in C-4.

Or the fact that for 18 months, the FBI trained and then supplied bomb making equipment to the “Portland Christmas Tree Bomber”

How about the facts that were published by the New York Times In October 1993, but failed to get any recognition in the mass media, that the FBI was in contact with willing terrorists whom they assisted in building an inert bomb. Inexplicably, the FBI agents switched the inert explosives with a real device which was then delivered to the WTC and detonated, killing 6 and injuring 1,042.

This video by Russia Today, documents exactly how the FBI/Intelligence agencies are creating the terror threat to heighten tensions and further escalate the so called “terror threat posed by radical Muslims”.

With the Olympics not far away, and the militarisation of London continuing with surface to air missiles being positioned in public places, one has to remember that Israel’s Mossad have played a key role in providing security protocols.

I expect the first thing the underwear bomber’s lawyer will do in court is to file his client’s briefs.

All underwear related puns aside, travelling whilst being a muslim, just got that little bit harder for us brown skins with funny sounding names.


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat

Run for your life …. Osama Bin Laden rises from the depths…..he’s Ozombie

They thought they had “deaded” him by dumping him at sea in a Muslamic burial, but little did they know that Osama Bin Laden would come back to haunt them again, be afraid, be very afraid, it’s Ozombie!

It’s been a year since the bogey man was deaded and in the time since, America and her minions have tried to select many a heir apparent to fill those shoes of the bad guy.

Whether it’s the Haqqani network or some other nameless group that’s given the spotlight, America was founded on and has always needed “The Other” to maintain it’s hegemony.

Recent talk of more Al-Qaeda attacks to mark Bin Ladens death anniversary or the omnipresent threat posed by a weakened faction have been cranked up in the last month.

President Obama’s campaign is using the Bin Laden factor to argue Mitt Romney would not have launched the raid to kill Osama bin Laden last year. The argument of course is being made to coincide with the one-year anniversary of bin Laden’s death.

The so called founding fathers of America, a bunch of extremist fanatics believed it was their “Manifest Destiny” to wipe out every single last indigenous person on the land they themselves had recently washed up upon, because they were fulfilling their religious covenant, to slay the heathen devil to claim what was their god given right.

In more recent years it was the almost sixty year long cold war threat from the Communists and now we’re eleven years into the open war against Islam.

What may seem to you as a bit of a joke by the American media machine, is in fact a calculated use of “soft power”.

The dominating themes are as old as Hollywood: America’s divine right to invade other societies, steal their history and occupy our memory, with directors and writers behaving like pimps for a world-view devoted to control and destruction.

We all grew up on the movie myth of the Wild West, which was harmless enough unless you happened to be a Native American. The formula is unchanged. Self-regarding distortions present the nobility of the American colonial aggressor as a cover for massacre.

America has lived by the idiom of “Be afraid, be very afraid”, it is the American condition. Whether it’s the Ozombie or not, America promote fear, anxiety and insecurity, to it’s citizens, to be surrounded by potential harm, enemies and evil intent.

The wolf is always at the door and as long as you can keep the people in an endless state of fear, you will keep them as unquestioning supporters of your wars of blood and treasure.

So be afraid and watch over your shoulder, the Ozombie will eventually catch you.


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy

Why do the Muslims hate US?

“Mommy, Daddy why are those people on TV so angry? Why do they burn our flag? Why do they hate us?”

So what would you think all American Chuck senior is going to tell little Chucky Jr?

Will he tell his son:

“Son it’s because”:

American soldiers went on the rampage in Afghanistan, broke into people’s homes and killed them while they slept and then burnt their bodies.

It’s because we pay no regard to their religion and burn their holy books – the Quran.

It’s because we like to kill people and then piss on their dead bodies.

It’s because once we kill them we like to cut their fingers and ears off and keep them as trophies.

It’s because we like to kill 92 year old men in their beds while they sleep.

It’s because when we talk about winning hearts and minds, what we really mean is to wipe every single Afghan village off the face of the earth.

It’s because we like to kill people and we know we’ll get away with it.

It’s because our militarised media is so strong no one will believe we’re possible of committing such evil acts.

It’s because when one of our soldiers speak out about what’s really happening, we’ll do everything possible to silence him.

Map explaining why Muslims hate us

In IRAQ they hate us the CIA put Saddam Hussein into power and manipulated Iraq and Iran into a war. We sold weapons to Saddam – 1.5 million people died in the Iran-Iraq war. Then came the Desert Storm campaign, depleted uranium, 10 years of UN sanctions led to almost a million dead children and the latest Iraq invasion, over a 1 million Iraqis have died as a result of American interference in Iraq.

In CHILE they hate us because we got rid of their Preseident Salvador Allende, killed in an American-sponsored coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet’s rise to power, organised by the CIA and Henry Kissinger, began nearly twenty years of military dictatorship that led to thousands of deaths. 30,000 people were massacred in the weeks following this September 11th, as Pinochet tried to wipe out those who opposed fascism. Years later our British friends welcomed the war criminal Pinochet with open arms and gave him sanctuary.

In The Congo they hate us as we gave them a military dictatorship thanks to the CIA assassination of Patrice Lumumba. The Congo conflict has led to at least 3 million deaths.

In Cambodia they hate us (& Britain) for backing the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot who killed nearly 2 million Cambodians.

Since the Second World War, the US government has bombed 21 countries:

China in 1945-46 and again in 1950-53,

Korea in 1950-53

In Korea, nearly 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies. Civilians were murdered at No Gun Ri and many other places. The USA supported the fascist puppet regime in South Korea. The South Korean government carried out genocide against both North and South Korean people.

Guatemala in 1954, 1960, and 1967-69

Indonesia in 1958

Up to one million innocent civilians died in Indonesia after the CIA put Suharto into power in Indonesia. At least one third of the population of East Timor died after the USA gave Suharto permission to invade that country.

Vietnam in 1961-73

North Vietnam did not want a war. The US military-industrial complex made sure that there was a war. Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese were tortured to death in “interrogation centres”.

These torture centres were built by the United States. Women were always raped as part of the torture before being murdered. This terrorism, rape and mass-murder was the policy of the USA. The My Lai massacre itself was an operation of the Phoenix Program.

Up to 5 million Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war.

Congo in 1964.

Laos in 1964-73,The United States Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for nine years on the people of Laos — from 1965 to 1973. Over 2,000,000 tons.This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history.

Peru in 1965

Cambodia in 1969-70

El Salvador throughout the 1980s

throughout the 1980s

Lebanon in 1983-84

Grenada in 1983

Bosnia in 1985

Libya in 1986

Panama in 1989

Iraq in 1991 until today.

Somalia in 1992, 1994

Sudan in 1998

Former Yugoslavia in 1999

Afghanistan in 1998, 2001 until today.

No, son I don’t know why the rest of the world hate us.


Filed under Afghanistan, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, War, War Crimes

When will you get it? – The U.S. will NEVER leave Iraq

US leaves Iraq….yeah right. The second world war ended in 1945 & guess what, The US army is still in Japan & Germany….like cockroaches, they never leave.

I’m sure the networks back home have been repeating the great liars speech ad nauseam, and I’m pretty sure it’s gone down unchallenged, shame someone like John Pilger will never get any airtime.

The duplicity of the mass media has to be noted in the part it played in manufacturing consent for it’s illegal invasion of Iraq. It was the war you didn’t see, that we must resist the media’s lies & government’s propaganda.

We should never forget the corporate & mass media’s ongoing complicity in Iraqi war crimes.

And we’ll never forget the lies, The Curveball That Cost Over A Million Iraqi Lives.

I’m pretty sure the mass media is not reporting the following, that the US never leave a country they invade, they still have bases in Germany & Japan, you know the second world war ended in 1945 right?

At least some parts of the media have noted:

“the U.S. involvement there is anything but over”

Dr. David Halpin stated that the aim was of the “US, UK & Israeli governments to install a zionist identity” in the Middle East.

We’ll never forget what you did in Fallujah.

You don’t undertake a building project that’s larger than vatican city to leave it behind. The US embassy has everything Iraqi’s once had – clean running water, electricity, gas, security and hospitals – what they do not have, and will probably never have thanks to the invaders destruction of Iraqi infrastructure.

Whilst the US army flies off home, it’s to be replaced with another cowardly, thieving, murdering, paing and pillaging force of equal measure, the piece of shit mercenaries that were once Blackwater, then XE and now go by the name of ACADEMI.

ACADEMI/Blackwater latest rebranding comes as USTC Holdings, an investor consortium, needs a new name to get back into Iraq.

Of course Blackwater were banned from Iraq after butchering Iraqi civilians. That audition was good enough to get the gig to protect the scumbag gulf arab rulers

But what good is a law if you can’t re-write it?

War is big business.

Every bullet made, every missile fired, every gun lock and loaded is profit for the military industrial complex, it’s profit for the pro war lobbyists and the corporations.

And now the same war drums beat loudly for Israel again, this time Iran is fair game.

These lunatics really are going for another war – the dossiers, the presentations at the UN, the WMD’s, the palaces that were built on top of underground weapon facilities – the lies, the lies, the lies.

All bought to you courtesy of our lying government and pro israeli politicians.

The onus, once again lies on our shoulders, do we want to see a repeat of Iraq?

Millions of us took to the streets in the run up to the 2003 invasion and it got us nowhere.

Millions of us signed petitions, and it got us nowhere.

There are only two things that this system understands and that is money and blood.

The Akh is currently away, he has not been raped and is currently working on a plantation picking bananas & has run out of PG Tips tea and is having to drink coffee. He returns sometime in January 2012


Filed under Foreign Policy, Great Britain, Iraq, Manufacturing Consent, Media Unspeak, Military Industrial Complex, Peak Oil/War For Oil, UK politics, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy

Anders Behring Breivik, Zionism, Oslo bombings, Utoya shootings & Israel

Don’t expect the mass media to link Anders Behring Breivik, his admission to being a zionist supporting Israel and his love of right wing racists the EDL & SIOE. The media have pathetically done everything they can to make it look like the Muslims carried out this attack – Rupert Murdochs The Scum newspaper ran this as Saturday mornings frontpage (via themuslimanarchist).

The Akh will break it down for you.

In January 2011, Jonas Gahr Stoere, Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said Norway will be a leading country in recognising the Palestinian state once the Palestinian institutions are set up.

March 2011 -“the junior partner in the Norwegian government, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen, (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), plans to vote on a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against Hamas in Gaza.”

Days before the shootings at Utoya, campaigners voiced their opinions to their political leaders that Norway should boycott Israel.

It has been reported that the Oslo Police conducted a bombing exercise days before the Oslo Blast.

On the evening of the 21 July 2011, TV2 in Norway had a short segment reporting on uniformed men, with black uniforms and automatic weapons, sweeping the exact surroundings of the building hit in the bombing.

Yet we’re told that Anders Behring Breivik acted alone.

An eye witness, Emilie Bersaas, 19, said: “The shooting came from all different directions.”

The Norway attacks were carried out by a well organised team.

What sort of people want to change Norway?

The sort of people who wrote this: “Why Israel’s Struggle Is Our Struggle, Too”

We know that Israel’s Mossad ran an operation called the “Kilowatt Group”

This is a ‘loose informal and practice oriented’ network of secret services including the NATO-countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel and South Africa.

It was created in the early seventies on Israeli initiative with the declared aim to combat terrorism.

Anders Behring Breivik is the suspect held in connection with the 22 July 2011 attacks in Norway.

He describes himself as being a Zionist and a freemason

He was known to be active on the internet, expressing extremist Islamophobic views on forums and criticizing immigration policies.

The people making use of Breivik are probably the same sort of people who were involved in Operation Gladio terrorism in Italy – the organisation known as P2.

In Italy, the P2 masonic lodge connected various groups belonging to the Deep State.

The Deep State “is a parallel secret government, organised by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military.

In March 1981, the Italian police found a list of the 962 members of P2, which contained the names of:

3 government ministers and 43 members of parliament,

43 generals and 8 admirals,

Secret service chiefs and police commanders

Top bureaucrats and diplomats, industrialists, financiers, journalists and TV personalities.

Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P2’s Grand Master, was allied to Mossad and involved in Operation Gladio.

The CIA-NATO’s Operation Gladio carried out acts of terrorism such as the 1980 Bologna Bombing.

For background reading I suggest you get familiar with Operation Gladio.

Credit for cartoon: macleodcartoons.blogspot.com


Filed under 4GW, Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Creating The Terror Threat, Islamophobia, Israel, Military Industrial Complex, Rise of the Far Right, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy, Zionism

Afghanistan – A War Without End, Inventing Enemies to Buy Bombs

With Obama’s declaration that “Combat Activities” will cease in Afghanistan & 33,000 US troops will be leaving it’s yet again time to separate the media propaganda from the truth.

Last night’s BBC documentary “Afghanistan – War Without End?” showed many a half truth in discussing the “Great Game V.2.0”. Then again, what can we really expect from John Ware, one of the pro israeli journalists embedded within the BBC.

Already Obama is under pressure from the military industrial complex to keep the troop numbers high. Despite Obama’s approval ratings riding high after the “deading” of Osama Bin Laden, what are the real chances of him still being President in 2013? seeing US presidential elections are due next year. This of course comes from a man who said Guantanamo would be closed as part of his election campaign – four years later, we’re still waiting.

The entire premise of foreign troops, especially American troops leaving a country they have invaded is an entirely false one. The media maybe reporting it as that, but what’s being said is that “Combat Operations” will cease. Just like combat operations ended in Iraq years ago, hasn’t led to a drawdown of troop numbers, Afghanistan will be precisely the same. No one builds the world’s largest “embassy” compound to leave it behind. The Second World War ended in 1945, yet American bases remain in the countries they invaded, principally Germany & Japan.

Listening to Radio 4’s Today Show this morning was far more revelatory than a whole hour’s worth of BBC programming.

Simply listen to what Michael Semple, former Deputy to the EU Special Representative for Afghanistan and a key proponent of talking to the Taliban had to say on the subject:

I’ve lost count the amount of times I’ve had to explain to people that western military theory is based primarily on Carl von Clausewitz’s teachings, what is taught in every single military academy is;

“War is not merely a political act, but also a political instrument, a continuation of political relations, a carrying out of the same by other means”

War is a conduit to achieve a political objective, if you have no political objective to achieve, or the remit is changed regularly as has been the case in Afghanistan, then you are in a perpetual state of war, a never ending war, that has no end game in sight.

While negotiating a settlement with the Taliban is probably the only option left to “The West”, it’s a bit hard to be taken seriously if you are talking peace, yet continue to kill the people you want to bring to the negotiating table.

The Afghan War Logs showed the true nature of the Afghan War, one that the media doesn’t report on.

As Simon Jenkins, writing in The Guardian pointed out recently, it is not democracy that keeps western nations at war, but armies and the interests now massed behind them. Eisenhower’s farewell message to America was a simple warning against the “disastrous rise of misplaced power” of a military-industrial complex with “unwarranted influence on government”.

A burgeoning defence establishment, backed by large corporate interests, would one day employ so many people as to corrupt the political system. (His original draft even referred to a “military-industrial-congressional complex”.) This lobby, said Eisenhower, could become so huge as to “endanger our liberties and democratic processes”.

I wonder what Eisenhower would make of today’s US, with a military grown from 3.5 million people to 5 million. The western nations face less of a threat to their integrity and security than ever in history, yet their defence industries cry for ever more money and ever more things to do. The cold war strategist, George Kennan, wrote prophetically: “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial complex would have to remain, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented.”

The war on terror fulfilled all Eisenhower’s fears, as America sank into a swamp of kidnapping, torture and imprisonment without trial.

The belligerent posture of the US and Britain towards the Muslim world has fostered antagonism and moderate threats in response. The bombing of extremist targets in Pakistan is an invitation for terrorists to attack us, and then a need for defence against such attack. A self fulfilling perpetual cycle of violence.

Meanwhile, the opportunity cost of appeasing the complex is astronomical.

Eisenhower remarked that “every gun that is made is a theft from those who hunger” – a bomber is two power stations and a hospital not built. Likewise, each Tomahawk Cameron drops on Tripoli destroys not just a Gaddafi bunker (are there any left?), but a hospital ward and a classroom in Britain.

As long as bullets are fired in war, there will be a company profiting from their sale, with the invention of the global war against terrorism, it provides a blank cheque opportunity for the defence industry – the military industrial complex – the scenery maybe variable – Iraq or Afghanistan – the money source remains the constant and the end result remains constant.

Muslims die.

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Filed under 4GW, Afghanistan, Creating The Terror Threat, Documentary, Foreign Policy, Manufacturing Consent, Media Highlight of the Week, Military Industrial Complex, Obama, War

Michael Scheuer, CIA Head of “Bin Laden Unit” Blasts America For It’s Foreign Policy Towards The Muslim World & It’s Support For Israel

Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” spoke at the Hay Festival last week and used the platform to blast western foreign policy:

“We are being attacked in the west and we will continue to be attacked in the west as long as we are in Afghanistan, as long as we support the Israelis, as long as we protect the Saudi police state.

They can’t cope with the fact that it’s nothing to do with the way we live. It doesn’t have anything to do with elections or democracy or liberty.

He, the first Mr Bush, then Mr Clinton and the second Mr Bush have assiduously lied to the American people for 20 years and as a result have made the relations in the United States between Muslims and other people much more difficult.

They have identified the motivation of our enemy as a war against liberty, as a war against gender equality.

There is almost no Muslim out there who is an insane character who is going to blow himself up because my daughters go to university.

The only way to end the war on terror was to withdraw from the Middle East to an extent that is consistent with our interests.

The American relationship with Israel, in my mind, is a useless and unnecessary relationship.”

Politicians have been asking what “radicalises” Muslims in the UK for over a decade now, The Akh has consistently stated that it is our Government’s foreign policy is to blame.

We know it, the CIA know it, secretly our Government even knows it but are loathe to admit to it.

Unless Western Governments change their foreign policy towards the Middle East and Muslim world, the self created phantom enemy that is promoted as the “Global War Against Terrorism” will have no end in sight.

As Michael Scheuer said:

“We’ve been kinda lying to you for 30 years and why we are being attacked is until recently we were supporting fascism across the Middle East.

In the rhetoric of our enemies there is very little, if anything, about attacking us for how we live or how we think or how we act in our own country.

It is about intervention, it is about being in the Arab Peninsula and it has nothing to do with these cultural things.

We are the ones that are arranging the cultural war against them, as long as we are playing a role, we are the recruiting sergeant for the people that are going to kill us”

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Filed under Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Israel, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy