Monthly Archives: March 2011

Christians pole dancing for Jesus

I suppose if you put “for Jesus” after anything then it becomes all good.

I’ve seen some strange ways in promoting your religion, but this one takes the biscuit.

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Filed under Humour

American Soldiers “Kill Team” video & pictures are war crimes of the highest order – no different to the My Lai massacre

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The photos and the sick details that are emerging are horrifying, the evidence shows that the killings of civilians went beyond a few men in 3rd Platoon and may have been undertaken by other platoons as well.

The Pentagon went to extraordinary lengths to suppress the photos—possibly because of the fact that they implicated soldiers in other platoons—and, unsurprisingly, worries that they will create a scandal of Abu Ghraib-level proportions in Iraq.

The psychopaths like Cpl. Morlock above “talked about throwing candy out of a Stryker vehicle as they drove through a village and shooting the children who came running to pick up the sweets.”

The Kill Team Photos of yet more war crime images the Pentagon doesn’t want you to see are available to view by clicking through

The images are not pleasant so think twice before clicking through.

This reminds The Akh about the My Lai massacre committed by the Americans in Vietnam.

My Lai was a massacre that was successfully covered up for 18 months and was seen as a prime example of the Pentagon’s “Culture of Concealment” and of the lack of integrity that permeated the Defence establishment.

This is the reason why the people of Afghanistan are fighting you.

This has nothing to do with Al-CIAda or Talibans, the Americans are a brutal occupying force using the same scorched earth policy that the Russians used.

Each and every single layer in the chain of command should be investigated and tried, but just like what happened at Abu Ghraib, a handful of people will be scapegoated, and those responsible at the top levels will continue to act with barbarity and impunity.


Filed under Afghanistan, Foreign Policy, Military Industrial Complex, No Justice No Peace, Terrorism, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy

Video Interview of Shanna Bukhari defending her Miss Universe bid

So the Shanna Bukhari drama rumbles on, she gave her first interview defending her decision to enter the Miss Universe competition.

This seems to be a topic that has generated a lot of debate amongst readers of my blog.

The Akh still sticks to his position as outlined before that this isn’t an integration issue, but one in how far people are willing to assimilate into amoral activities.

Shanna and every other woman on this planet is entitled to do exactly what they please, but don’t try and do it as if you’re furthering the cause of your people and your religion.

That’s an extremely false construct.

Too many of our people have become so concerned with assimilation and proving that they are the exact opposite of what the racist right wing dominated media narrative that defines Islam and Muslims to the rest of the world as being, the only way in which this can happen is by separating Muslims from our identity and culture.

The Akh finds it laughable that anyone can pass this of as a matter of resistance never mind a win of any sort. While women who wish to stay covered up have legislation passed against them to stop them doing so, and yet those that have no modesty what so ever are paraded as a “win” for all of us, you’re only deluding yourself.

As far as setting a good example for young Muslim women the world over, entering meat market competitions is a pathetic example for anyone to even to follow, you can see for yourself here why I think this way, would you want your sister, wife, daughter or mother behaving like this?

I would rather be proud of what I am, rather than desperately trying to be something I’m really not, just to fit in.

Whether your mind is ready to accept it or not, that’s what this culture or lack of culture is feeding us.

Be true to yourself.


Filed under Great Britain, Identity, Morals & Ethics

New radio station Awaaz 107.4 FM hits the airwaves

The Akh was present at the launch of Awaaz 107.4 FM last Thursday and would like to extend his congratulations and well wishes to all involved in the venture. The Akh knows all too well how difficult it is to running a radio station, nevermind getting an all too rare fulltime FM permit.

I do hope that the Awwaz Radio team will stick to their remit and use this platform to empower the community and not play bungle music round the clock.

It already seems that another radio station is in the offing, Marlow FM goes live in May.

So that’s nice to know…one radio station for “them” and one for “us”.

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Filed under Wycombe Watch

How to fill in your Census form – A must read before completing your form

Are you concerned about filling in your census form?

You should be.

This is how to fill in your Census form without benefiting Lockheed Martin or creating funding problems for your local authorities.

As I’ve pointed out American military giant Lockheed Martin are running the census on behalf of the ONS.

Lockheed Martin US makes Trident nuclear missiles, cluster bombs and fighter jets and is involved in data processing for the CIA and FBI. It has provided private contract interrogators for the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

Lockheed Martin shares intelligence with its trusted partners – since the patriot act was enshrined into law in the US – all this census data can be handed over to any and all of america’s intelligence agency’s (FBI, CIA etc) and third party contractors (Blackwater, Xe, Halliburton etc).

The peacenewslog website produced an excellent analysis on how you should fill in your census form.

The original page was “disappeared”…wonder why?

So i’ve tracked down a google cache of it, and have attached a screengrab of it below.

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Filed under Great Britain, Military Industrial Complex, Police State, UK politics

The Narcicyst waking up the people – Brass

The Narcicyst released the video for his track “Brass” this week, most definitely worth a view and a listen, even if rap isn’t your cup of chai.

“You want to get out and see doe
so clouded
Sell out to be Dope”

The Akh would like to say well done to ‘narcy for staying independent and not being a slave to commercially driven garbage that the major record labels are pumping out these days.

Support the brother by getting the Brass single or Narcicyst album now at: iTunes or physical copies at

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Filed under Hip Hop, Soundtrack To The Struggle

Nas – Sly Fox

A couple of years ago, hip hop artist Nas went hard against Rupert Murdoch’s Fox media, not content with dropping the “Sly Fox” track, he mobilised his community to take direct action in delivering a 600,000-signature petition to the channel’s Manhattan studios as the video below shows.

This shows the ability that rappers have to mobilise the people, to act in a concious manner, more community action, less talk about guns and drugs.

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Filed under 4GW, Free Speech, Hip Hop, Soundtrack To The Struggle

Murdoch’s Fox news caught lying by CNN over claims of #Libya/human shield report

CNN correspondent Nic Robertson blasted Murdoch’s Fox News, after Fox lied that Robertson and other journalists were being used by the Libyan Ministry of Information as human shields, in a successful bid to block a coming, second attack on a compound in Tripoli, supposedly controlled by Qaddafi.

“[T]his allegation is outrageous and it’s absolutely hypocritical. When you come to somewhere like Libya, you expect lies and deceit from a dictatorship here,” Robertson told Wolf Blitzer. “You don’t expect it from the other journalists.”

Fox claims their own correspondent, Steve Harrigan, declined to accept the invitation from the Libyans for fear of being used as a propaganda tool, and perhaps a human shield. But Robertson claims Fox did indeed send an employee on the trip — not a regular news guy — and that Harrigan has been asleep on the job since hostilities began.

“I see him more times at breakfast than out on trips with government officials here,” Robertson said. “So for them to say and call this — to say they didn’t go and for them to call this and say this was government propaganda to hold us there as human shields when they didn’t even leave the hotel … is ridiculous.”

Fox is staking out high-ground here, claiming they were above being used by the government. Nonsense, says Robertson. “They sent a member of their team. He was not editorial. He was nontechnical, not normally a cameraman.”

Robertson added that the reason he and many other reporters agree to this and similar outings is simple. “[W]e go on these government trips … for a very simple reason because we don’t want government officials to film it themselves, edit it themselves and hand it off to us,” Robertson said, raising the suggestion that Harrigan’s reporting from Libya is suspect or incomplete.


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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Manufacturing Consent, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak, Middle East

Why are the Ulema so silent over the Muslim uprisings the world over?

For the last several weeks, The Akh has heard many a jumma khutba (friday sermon) from various Masajid across the country. It’s been very rare to hear any mention of the intifadas’ taking place across the Muslim world, when it is mentioned, the Sheikhs do so in such obscure terms leaving the individual having to read between the lines to contextualise what’s been said and how relevant it is to today’s situation.

I’m sure the government would be more than happy to see their policy of pacifying our institutions has worked, no mention of jihad, no mention of lifting oppression, just more khutba’s about jinn and perfecting oneself and of course raising your hands to make dua that this fitnah affecting the Ummah ends soon.

So it’s with this background in mind, The Akh wants to regale a recent situation to you.

After listening to the first part of the jumma khutba about how bad the situation was for Muslims the world over (anyone with half a brain & Ummah consciousness knows this already) the second part of the khutba was all to do with the ordinary Muslims who were protesting against their oppressive rulers, were wrong to do so.

Let me say that again, Muslims, no matter how oppressive and tyrant a regime they live under cannot rail against the leadership, save for having sabr & making dua to Allah Az’Wajjal to raise their conditions for the better and remove the tyrant leader.

I went into jumma, looking for inspiration, looking for words that would lift, energise and strengthen me.

All I felt was betrayal.

After completing my salaat, I waited until all the hand kissers of the Sheikh has dispersed (taxi bases don’t run themselves you know) and I sought clarification with what he had said, and this is what transpired over the next 30-45 minutes of discussion.

I was told in no uncertain terms, that if a Muslim wakes to find he has:

– His health

– His safety

– His provisions

It is as if he has the whole world.

Therefore if you are fighting to overthrow your ruler, no matter how a big a tyrant and oppressor he is, all you are doing are creating fitna and making the bid’a into a sunnah.

You have to obey your leader, as long as he is not telling you to become kafir, that is to worship something other than Allah Az’Wajjal.

All you can do is to have sabr and make duah to Allah Az’Wajjal.

If you wish to overthrow the leader the following conditions have to be met:

– You have to have the shayookh/ulema give you approval and guidance.

– You must be militarily ready – weapons, training, men, supplies, tactics etc.

– Have a system and leadership that will be better then what you are fighting against – Islamically, you don’t replace worse with even worse.

I was given the example of the Sahabah Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) who was the last surviving companion of the Prophet (PBUH) and was upwards of a hundred years in age.

Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan was the caliph at the time of the great fitnah that had engulfed the muslim world.

He dispatched his general Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf to hunt and kill sahaba’s like Abd Allah al-Zubayr (may Allah be pleased with him) who refused to cede to the Ummayads.

Hajjaj defeated and killed Ibn Zubayr on the battlefield in 692, beheading him and crucifying his body.

And yet Anas (RA) lived under that ruler, despite the fact he could have raised an army, as he had the support, being the last Sahabi left alive, to challenge the ummayads, but chose not to do so.

The reasoning being that if such a great Sahaba like Anas bin Malik (RA) would not rise up against a tyrant ruler in the battle of Haq against Baatil, then what right do I, as a (lesser?) Muslim have.

Apologies for using wiki as a source…if i had time I’d find more authentic ones for you, but it’s difficult to link to books that are on my bookshelf that not all of us have access to.

After thanking the Sheikh for his time, I left, slightly heavy hearted over what had been said to me, and running mad late for work.

Several hours later I was still processing what he said to me.

I keep hearing that we should turn to the scholars in times like these, but if this is the only response, then what are we to do?

Do we heed the words of those who are more knowledgeable than us in matters of Al-Islam?

To be continued


Filed under Islam, Jumma Reminder, Power & Leadership in Islam