Tag Archives: Middle East

Saudi & Orientalist Propaganda at the British Museums’ Hajj Exhibition

The Hajj Exhibition at the British Museum is viewed as a great dawah opportunity by many Muslims. As far as I’m concerned it’s a propaganda piece for the House of Saud project & it’s Orientalist backers.

After much cajoling by friends, I finally bit the bullet and decided to attend the Hajj Exhibition in London, more as an excuse to catch up with old friends and less to actually have my own religion and history explained to me.

For years I’ve avoided the British Museum, despite its new atrium and the sheer wonder of it’s architectural splendour, it’s the contents of the building that trouble me. The swag, the loot, the filthy lucre, centuries of ill gotten gain courtesy of the British Empire looting and pillaging from every known corner of the globe, for King, Queen & Country dear boy.

Putting those issues aside, I entered the exhibition and within the very few first minutes, whilst reading one of the plaques, I remarked to one of my friends:

“Harry St. John Philby? You know who he is right?”

Harry St. John Bridger Philby (1885-1960) Riyadh

Instead of talking about the importance of the Hajj or what the central role of Mecca is to Islam, why would they (the backers of the exhibition) choose to talk about Harry St. John Philby?

Harry St. John Philby, as the blurb said, was among one of the first westerners to enter Mecca (pretend to be a Muslim) to undertake the Hajj and to see what it was that drives Muslims to carry out the pilgrimage.

What it didn’t tell you, and what most people would just walk right past without noticing is that Harry St. John Philby was a spy who worked for the British Military Intelligence. His progeny would be one Kim Philby, who would work the same field as his father and end up being exposed as a double agent working for the KGB.

As we continued down the exhibition path and my disdain beginning to recede somewhat, I noticed there was an entire section on the “Arab Revolt”.


The Arab Revolt that was created by men like Philby & Lawrence (of Arabia) of the British “Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force” to launch an armed uprising against the Caliphate.

I’ve written before about Abdul Aziz ibn Saud the bandit chieftain & his marriage of convenience with Britain to destroy the Islamic Empire.

Hijaz Railway - Remains of Exploded Train from Arab Uprising 1918

The exhibition glorified the terrorist attacks like the destruction of the Hijaz Railway, that ran from the centre of the Caliphate, Istanbul to Damascus and onto Medina.

You can see more pictures on this subject from the excellent picture blog of Jerry C Miller

The exhibition then took great lengths to show how great the Saud family was by demonstrating the railway line they built in it’s place some hundred years later.

I’ve read “The Great Theft Wrestling Islam From The Extremists” by Khaled Abou El Fadl and the following surmises what Abd’Al’Wahaab felt about the Caliphate:

So what you have is a foreign superpower (Britain) effectively aiding, abetting and installing by means of outright terrorism, a puppet regime that will favour it (sound familiar? Libya, Syria) whilst destroying the Islamic Empire at the same time.

This very same regime today preaches the message of obeying your leaders, whilst being formed on the exact opposite.


It’s always been the Orientalists dream to understand the strength of Islam and what drives Muslims. Once they figured it out, they could subtly deconstruct that core element to drive their own agenda. For example we have London’s SOAS University , which was created with a remit to train the future leaders of the former British colonies to run them just as their past colonial masters had done so. It’s no coincidence that Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the former leader of The Qadiani’s was trained at SOAS.

Who's who? Haim Weizmann & Prince Feisal, Arabia, 1918

You can read about the Dönmeh connection to the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia in a report titled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” dated September 2002 and released on March 13, 2008, by the U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency.

You can read Said Nasir’s book, ‘The History of the Saud Family’, where it’s maintained that in 1943, the Saudi ambassador to Egypt, Abdullah bin Ibrahim al Muffadal, paid Muhammad al Tamami to forge a family tree showing that the Sauds and Wahhabs were one family that descended directly from the Prophet Mohammed SAW to strengthen their legitimacy as rulers.

You see it’s not that difficult to run counter propaganda.

The truth is that many Muslims are ignorant of their own history and religion.

For a religion that was unveiled with the words IQRA! (Read!) we as a people know little of Islam nevermind the knowledge of our history or the treachery committed by those who garb themselves in cloaks of respectability and piety.

A people who don’t read will fall for anything.




It seems that Qaisra Khan, the project curator of the Hajj Exhibition at the British Museum has read what I’ve written and has labelled me an extremist for writing this blog.

I am willing to share a platform with Qaisra Khan or anyone from the British Museum if they wish to debate me on what I’ve written.

Get in contact.


Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Experiences, Foreign Policy, Islam, Middle East, Morals & Ethics, Power & Leadership in Islam, Western Hypocrisy

Yemen’s bullshit election – bought to you courtesy of the Yanks & Sauds

Official Ballot Paper Yemen Election 2012

When’s an election not an election?

When that election is an American sponsored farce in Yemen.

While the people of Yemen risk life and limb in a year of bloody protests, the Sauds & the US carry out a “show election” for a new president.

With their being only one candidate standing unopposed, how do you expect Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi not to win. There wasn’t even a Yes or No option to be had on the ballot, the only vote was for Hadi, the only vote is a YES and there’s no chances he can lose.

This new dictator was vice president under Saleh for 17 years and while Saleh kicks back after his 33 years in charge, in New York under his immunity deal, his right hand man runs the country, while his family control the security apparatus.

You have to love the hypocrisy of it all.

The Americans haven’t even tried to cover up the stench, stating with a straight face:

“Yemen has proved its ability to move from the past to the present via ballot boxes”

I’m drawn between tears and laughter as to how exactly has Yemen become the model for peaceful transition that the Obama administration proclaim it to be.

Predictably, the corporate media has avoided coverage on this issue but chosen instead to focus on Putin’s fixed election in Russia, a tactic to deflect attention away from the role of “The West” in Yemen.

Regular readers will now of a previous blog “Chaos in Yemen today is a direct result of The West’s secret war fourty years ago” which outlined the powerful and corrupting effect committed by Britain in Yemen.

The fallout in Yemen has been instant, whilst America’s kleptocracy’s applaud the sham election the change that was wanted has not transpired. 85 deaths on Monday and another 185 dead today . This will of course be written off by the corporate media as being uppity Al CIAda types opposing democracy and freedom, what it really shows is that the US & her stooge elements want neither peace or stability in the region.

If they did, they would allow a full election with more than one candidate.

The only place where democracy is acceptable, is where America’s candidate is electable.

Just like Obama himself, this is another change that no one can believe in.


If you wish to get a further understanding on Britain’s colonial exploits in Yemen, I’d recommend you watch a documentary by Adam Curtis – The Mayfair Set

The first episode “Who Pays Wins”, tells the story of one Colonel Sir Archibald David Stirling, World War II British Army officer,  founder of the Special Air Service and Mercenary.

Worried that Britain was losing its power after the War, Stirling organised deals to sell British weapons and military personnel to other countries, like Yemen & Saudi Arabia, for various privatised foreign policy operations. Stirling along with other associates formed Watchguard International Ltd. He was also linked along with an associate Denys Rowley in a failed attempt to overthrow Gaddafi of Libya in 1970/71.

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Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Documentary, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy

Oh Muslims! Do you worship Allah or Saudi?

In the eyes of some Muslims, criticism of the house of frauds (Sauds) is tantamount to debasing Islam itself. This poisoned mindset is one that has to be challenged and overcome. If you don’t know about the fraudi’s (saudi’s) here’s a quick recap.

Abdul Aziz ibn Saud was a bandit chieftain who married the daughter of a cleric, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab to give his banditry religious approval. He used a fanatical “Wahhabi” doctrine, aided and abetted by Britain and a certain TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) to rouse a religiously inspired fighters to conquer his new kingdom, by going against the leaders of the Ottoman Caliphate. Together they conquered the Arabian peninsula to form “Saudi” Arabia in 1932.

Ever since then, the house of Saud have crushed any subsequent revolts and did a deal with the country’s ultra-conservative clergy that has endured to this day. The religious establishment was allowed substantial independence, the control of key ministries and a share of the wealth of the kingdom. In return, in crisis after crisis, it has come to the aid of the family, buttressing its authority with fatwa – religious opinions.

In 1991, Saudi clerics declared US troops could be based in the kingdom.

You can see the contradictions for yourself.

Saudi die hards – and by that I include the majority of Shaykhs that have been trained according to Saudi principles – always state that you can never oppose the leader.

Yet a country that was named after it’s bandit king was formed only when they themselves fought against their leaders in Istanbul.

The clerics and the king are so intertwined that any form of jihad has been outlawed:

“There are legitimate reasons for jihad in our religion but I have learned that no private person can say that a jihad is justified. It can only be the Islamic scholars who make that decision according to certain conditions”

Saudi Arabia is considered the most ‘Islamic’ nation and everything it does is used to judge Islam. It’s Kings are supported and encouraged and are old friends of kuffar (and I really don’t like using that word) leaders of the USA.

You have the Fraudi king handing out $37 Billion to bribe people NOT to protest against him.

The house of Frauds then decide to help out their fellow despot leaders in Bahrain by sending their (made in America) army to kill more Muslims.

On top of it all the bandit king of Saudi decides that he has to advise the scholars!

Yet the vast majority of our scholars remain silent.

Which leads to the simple question, if the Ulema & Muslim Scholars do not defend peopleʼs rights, as the deen of Islam demands, then who is going to do so?

Muslims have been hoodwinked into respecting and honouring these kings as they are some sort of saviours of Islam.

They ensure that American & European interests are safe in the middle east and in return “The West” maintains their power and kingship and never talk about democracy as long as the kings & clerics meet their demands.

The entire regime of Saudi should be ashamed of themselves because they are mentally pacifying Muslims worldwide.

Muslims see that Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and for this reason, the scholars of Arabia are expected to be the best as the Guardians of our two most holiest sites.

The moment the scholars of Saudi start teaching justice and fighting oppression, by freeing themselves of external interference, the mental ceiling in the minds of many Muslims that stop them from thinking shall be lifted.

So who do you worship?


Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Jumma Reminder, Middle East, Power & Leadership in Islam

United Arab Emirates Hire Erik Prince’s Blackwater/Xe Mercenaries

I’m sure you all remember Erik Prince, the creepy Christian extremist and former CEO of mercenary firm Blackwater (now called Xe), who ended up fleeing the United States for the United Arab Emirates after selling his company to avoid any potential legal cases for all the people his mercenaries killed in Iraq.

Ever wondered what he’s been upto?

He’s only gone and formed another mercenary army, this time at the behest of the United Arab Emirates’ autocratic crown prince, with the tacit approval of the U.S. government.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that – no hypocrisy!

“[The U.A.E.] might want to show that they are not to be messed with,” one administration official tells The New York Times, which broke the story. And what better way to show that you are not to be messed with than hiring a bunch of Colombian and South African “military contractors” to… well, to basically do whatever is needed, even if it’s a crusade to eliminate Muslims:

The force is intended to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, defend oil pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist attacks and put down internal revolts, the documents show. Such troops could be deployed if the Emirates faced unrest in their crowded labour camps or were challenged by pro-democracy protests like those sweeping the Arab world this year.

The Times has a copy of the contract, in case you need a model for your own mercenary-army contract.

And really, who doesn’t? Just heed Erik Prince’s words of wisdom:

The former employees said that in recruiting the Colombians and others from halfway around the world, Mr. Prince’s subordinates were following his strict rule: hire no Muslims.

Muslim soldiers, Mr. Prince warned, could not be counted on to kill fellow Muslims.

The Akh can’t see anything going wrong here, can you?


Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Western Hypocrisy

#Libya – Isn’t This When Western Intervention Is Welcomed?

Western governments always make a big deal about their military “human” interventions, citing Bosnia and Kosovo as prime examples of their policy succeeding.

So why are they dragging their heels to get involved in Libya?

The mad thundercat Gaddafi continues to cling to power, while dropping bombs on his own people, weapons supplied courtesy of our governments, and while the usual robust criticism’s have been launched, meaningful action has been short on the ground.

All the time people are being bombed with fighter jets.

Granted no one wants to see yankee soldiers on Libyan soil, as once they appear on foreign soil, they never return home. Perhaps it’s time to see the ineffectual United Nations to pass a resolution? What about the Arab league you ask?

What a bloody joke they are.

So let’s look at the construct here.

To have a no fly zone, military construct dictates that all Libyan air defences would have to be destroyed, before a no fly zone can be enforced.

Who has the capacity to do so?


Britain certainly doesn’t have the aircraft carrying capacity to do so, because our genius military planners prefer to spend billions on an ineffectual deterrent in nuclear weapons like the trident submarines.

So where does this leave us?

Britain’s greatest foreign policy challenges can be broken down into three components:

1. Recalibrating the special relationship with America.

2. Facing down the economic threat from Russia.

3. Making the Middle East & The Magrib stable.

On the third point, in life every problem presents an opportunity, if you are decisive enough to take action. Britain can and should act decisively to intervene now, not like in Bosnia & Kosovo, dragging their heels until hundreds of thousands of civilians had been slaughtered.

Act now and spare the inevitable slow slaughter of thousands, and you’ll have a nation that will be thankful for your assistance.

Leave them to their death’s and the new administration and the people might not be as forgiving at western intransigence.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Foreign Policy, Great Britain, Middle East, Morals & Ethics

Gaddafi Has Lost It

The old thundercat Gaddafi (GaddifiCat) has lost all three pillars of his rule – tribal, military and diplomatic. Judging from his desperate speech last night, he seems to be losing his mind and perhaps his nerves.

That’s why it’s only a question of time for his regime to breakdown.

For the last four decades, Gaddafi has based the stability of his rule on a careful balancing act among more than 100 tribes and clans, especially the 30 influential among them, that pride themselves on playing an important role in freeing Libya from colonialism.

Gaddafi has used bribes when possible, blackmail and scare tactics when necessary, to insure the tribes’ loyalty to the regime, or at least its neutrality.

However, over the last few days, one after the other, Libyan tribes have declared their opposition to the Gaddafi regime and vowed their support and allegiance to the revolution of February 17.

Gaddafi has also lost his diplomatic core as the country’s overseas diplomats have been quitting their jobs in protest against the violence while others have expressed outright support of the revolution.

In reality, the Libyan regime no longer has diplomatic relations with the outside world, which for all practical purposes has severed all relations with his regime.

Much of the world considers Gaddafi’s regime outlawed.

Last but not the least, the Gaddafi security regime has been losing support among its armed forces as fighter jet pilots, sailors and entire military bases disobey orders and take a stand in favour of the revolution.

Gaddafi has admitted that his police force has deserted and gone home refusing to use arms against the protesters. As a result, entire cities have been liberated from the grip of the regime.

Watching Benghazi, the largest city in the east, as well as other cities, celebrate their newly gained freedom illustrates the degree to which the Libyan regime has lost influence in the country.

The capital, Tripoli, might still prove to be the most dangerous. An escalation in the capital where Gaddafi’s sons have concentrated their militias might lead to more bloodshed.

As Gaddafi ‘loses it’, diving deeper in isolation and finding no way out, he is more than capable of ordering the worst crimes.

Unless he loses the loyalty of these militias, or they are deterred from carrying his orders, the last hours and days could prove to be violent.

Having said that, like the Tunisian and Egyptian military before them, the Libyan military and militias could still prove to be more conscientious than their dictators.

Source: Al-Jazeera

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary

The Middle East Revolutions – All Part of American Public Diplomacy 2.0 Initiative – The New Shock & Awe?

During this revolutionary fervour tearing throughout the Middle East, Western governments have chosen their words very carefully when commenting, fearful for being accused of diktats from abroad, a stark contrast to Iran’s so called “Green Revolution” of 2009.

It turns out that behind the scenes, the US state department and the British government have long been engaged with youth groups from Iran, Egypt and elsewhere, coaching them in how to make the best of online tools – how to effectively harness the social networks to mobilise mass support for a cause.

There’s no doubt that the Egyptian revolution is testament to grass roots activism, but any suggestions that it is entirely leaderless, like has been generally reported, is well wide of the mark, as events have been driven by a key group of activists.

The leaders of the movement were highlighted in detail, in Al Jazeera’s documentary “Egypt Seeds of Change”

It shows how these young activists used mobile phones, twitter and facebook to call for support.

The “April 6th” movement were the first Egyptian activist group to organise a strike in a textile mill via their own facebook page.

Six months after the strike, one of the leaders of the April 6th movement was invited to attend a workshop in New York, run by The Alliance for Youth Movements.

There he joined a network of international activists, who gathered to discuss ways in which to support non-violent demonstrations against authoritarian regimes across the world.

That meeting was funded by the US state department as part of their programme titled “Public Diplomacy 2.0″.

“I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again.”

George W. Bush, State of the Union, 2004

Exporting democratic values was central to the Bush administrations ideology, Iraq was meant to be part of that, but there was also more subtle work going on.

The man responsible for this?

James K Glassman was under secretary of state under George Bush.

This 74 minute lecture by James Glassman at the New American Foundation, can be summed up as:

“We developed a different way to communicate, I called it public diplomacy 2.0 and the idea was that we would be conveners or facilitators of conversations…big conversations, broad, deep conversations, in which our views would be one of many that would be expressed. So that was the idea and luckily technology was on our side, because this is what social media do and is what social networks are all about”

So what you have is a congruent coming together of the US state department, with partners like YouTube, Google and Facebook, to take advantage of social networking technology to tell America’s story and to encourage young people with political grievances to find outlets for their protests.

The US state department had been inspired by the successful grass roots demonstrations in Columbia against FARC guerillas in February 2008, that were organised via facebook.

It was this enthusiasm for social change that made the US state department fund The Alliance for Youth Movements inaugural conference in October 2008.

Several Egyptian activists including Ahmed Maher of the April 6th movement were invited.

Social networking also played a huge role in the Moldovan revolution of 2009, as JurnalTV’s video above demonstrates.

The New York based Alliance for Youth Movements also provides assistance via Skype conferencing to it’s activists, this time in Pakistan.

As well as being funded by the US state department, it has also seen funds from the British Government and is now seeking money from Google, amongst others for future projects.

“We don’t have a political agenda, and we appreciate that, that, it’s a, it’s a (stuttering) tight line, our goal and our mission is to enable civil society and, um, in putting those tools out there and showing how they can be used”

Jason Liebman, Co-Founder and Board Member, Movements.org

Facilitating non-violent protest often dovetails with western strategic goals.

Back to James Glassman:

“We are not ashamed to be Americans, we are not ashamed to have strong values that we want to espouse and promote around the world, but we also want to be effective and, um, ah, the most effective means of communicating and influencing, lets not kid ourselves, that’s what public diplomacy is all about, influence to meet strategic goals. It’s a lot easier to be influential if other people rather than US government officials are making the pronouncements and joining the conversation”

Once these networks are unleashed, no one can be sure what direction they will travel in, for libertarians under George Bush this is no problem, because they believe that their arguements about freedom and democracy will win the day.

It’s also true that the west has backed dictators under the name of stability and counter terrorism.

This means this path is not a straight forward one.

We’ve seen the hard power of shock and awe in Iraq.

Are we witnessing across the Middle East right now a form of soft power?

A shock and awe 2.0 where American social networks drive the change rather than laser guided missiles?

This was based on a BBC2 NewsNight report that aired on Friday February 11, 2011.


Filed under 4GW, Documentary, Foreign Policy, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East

It’s Official – Hosni Mubarak Resigns As Egyptian President! #Egypt #Jan25

The dictator has gone, long live the new dictator?

Well let’s just celebrate the fact the people power has won and made the dick-tator Hosni Mubarak resign as president.

It’s taken three solid weeks of resistance to get rid of a tyrant that ruled with fear and domination for more than 30 years.

Let’s hope that their is a free and fair election soon and the American backed army generals do not assume full control on a permanent basis.

Can you hear the tears in Tel-Aviv?

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary

America: “Mubarak Might Be A Son Of A Bitch…But He’s Our Son Of A Bitch” #Egypt

America loves a dictator or two, Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Abdullah II, they are all sons of bitches, but they’re America’s sons of bitches.

Whether it’s the CIA backed covert “Regime Changes” or the installation of brutal military dictatorships, Uncle Sam’s been getting dirty for almost a century.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, 4GW, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy