Tag Archives: Western Sponsored Terrorism

Who’s the terrorist? – In 1988 US Navy blew up Iran Air flight leaving 290 dead

On July 3 1988, the US navy, courtesy of the USS Vincennes, targeted Iran Air flight 655 with a missile, blowing the passenger plane out of the sky, killing all 290 people on board.

Vice-President at the time, George H.W. Bush was quoted in Newsweek saying:

“I’ll never apologize for the United States of America. Ever. I don’t care what the facts are.”

So who are the real terrorists?

You all remember Lockerbie? Megrahi & the American hypocrisy surrounding that case?

That Libya were providing safe haven for terrorists.

Did anyone ever draw the same conclusion, that America shooting down a passenger jet, while trespassing into Iranian waters and refusing to apologise for it, had committed a deliberate act of war?

No one talks about Iran Air Flight 655, because Muslim blood is cheap and plentiful.

Still think we hate you for your freedom and democracy?

Bare hypocrisy.

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Filed under Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Iran, Terrorism, War Crimes

America – You can no longer use 9/11 to justify your actions

It’s been ten years since 9/11, the one single event that’s used to justify every single bit of criminal action committed by the US & her junior partners ever since.

I was really drawn out over whether or not to comment any further on what has been the overkill of the 9/11 industry this week. It really was a good week to bury bad news, chemical bombs were being used by Nato in Bani Walid, but no, all you were bombarded with was the constant images and flashbacks to THAT morning.

A few years ago I wrote a piece for MPACUK titled the “Septembers of our lives”

I rehashed and added to that a year later, including several other terrorist atrocities committed on September 11 that the media don’t make a song and dance about.

With the outpouring of 9/11 propaganda, I had a chance to drop a few of my own. Hence the blogs about Bombs on the George Washington bridge & the Israeli’s that were caught with bombs & Arab disguises as well as the five Israeli’s who filmed the 9/11 attacks & were caught celebrating?

You see if I had the power of Murdoch’s media behind me, I could endlessly play those reports until the whole world believed it to be the 100% unassailable truth. The same way the murdoch owned media empire will make you believe that two planes made the towers collapse.

Perhaps it’s time to listen to your hereos?

But then again nothing hit world trade centre tower 7 & it fell exactly the same way as the other towers that were hit by planes, strange huh?

And like my man said, America & her partners got more than their pound of flesh when they obliterated Iraq, decimated Afghanistan, pulverised Pakistan & turned the Muslim world into one sectarian driven nightmare. Any dignity or good will you had on THAT morning has long since evaporated.

My fellow blogger Julaybib dropped a piece titled “The Obligatory 9/11 Anniversary Blog” while the consistently irrepressible Mehdi Hasan noted “How the fear of being criminalised has forced Muslims into silence”

Many media bods (propagandists) argue that if 9/11 was an inside job than surely someone would have broken ranks and spilled the beans by now.

Watch the above interview and see what Richard Clarke, the Chief Counter Terror adviser to the White House 1998-2002 had to say.

And you can see for yourself where all that 9/11 charity money went to as well…some of the 9/11 profiteers, frauds, and fools have been revealed.

Just don’t expect to hear anyone accuse the military industrial complex of profiteering of the back of 9/11 anytime soon though.

A message to the American government, stop using the excuse of 9/11 to justify every single thing you do to kill muslims the world over.

Stop lying to your own citizens, the statistics show that since 9/1, only 33 deaths were from “Muslim” terrorism against an unbelievable 150,000 deaths from murders within America itself.

Perhaps it’s time for “The War on Murder?”


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Israel, Manufacturing Consent, Media Ownership & Control, Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy

September 11, Bombs on the George Washington bridge & the Israeli’s that were caught with bombs & Arab disguises

On September 11, a truck packed with explosives was found on the George Washington bridge & inside it were two Israeli’s that were caught wearing Arab disguises.

Do you remember any of this?

Do you know that Israel had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and has been spying on Britain & America for decades?

Do you remember the five Israeli’s who filmed the 9/11 attacks & were caught celebrating?

No, because the Moozlims did it.


Because the hijackers passports were found at the scene, they must have been made from kryptonite seeing the planes were able to bring down the towers, incinerate everyone who was aboard, but the passport survives intact?

And then with comical timing you have one of the named dead hijackers turning up alive and well, and he wasn’t the only Al-CIAda hijacker who miraculously came back from the dead.

Don’t expect the mainstream media to be discussing any of these events this week as the 9/11 industry goes into overdrive to drive home & legitimise every single thing they’ve done since 9/11.


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Israel, Manufacturing Consent, Military Industrial Complex, War, Western Hypocrisy

Do you remember the five Israeli’s who filmed the 9/11 attacks & were caught celebrating?

Do you remember the news about the five Israelis that were arrested on 9/11, after being seen hi-fiving one another & celebrating when the planes went into the twin towers, whilst filming the mayhem on a prearranged tripod and camera?

Of course you don’t.

Do you know that Israel had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and has been spying on Britain & America for decades?

Watch the video above, from UK’s Channel 4 and logically consider the following facts;

A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming “middle-eastern” men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery.

“They were like happy, you know … They didn’t look shocked to me” said a witness.

[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Centre ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage.

Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot.

“It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.”

The five were on an Israeli talk show, and were asked what they were doing by the host, the response;

“Our purpose was to document the event”

How do you document the event, without knowing it’s going to happen?

Don’t expect the mainstream media to be discussing any of these events this week as the 9/11 industry goes into overdrive.


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Manufacturing Consent, Military Industrial Complex, War, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy, Zionism

Do you remember 27 Ramadan 2004? Do you remember what they did in Fallujah?

No of course you don’t.

But I do.

I’ll never forgive & I’ll never forget.

It was the night of Al Qadr and the Masajid at Regents Park was heaving with Muslims, seeking the night of power, Muslims were seeking Allah.

The Akh was seeking answers.

The terrorists masquerading as the US Army had just launched the disparagingly termed “Operation Fajr”

They declared the city of Fallujah to be a free fire zone, meaning to them there were no civilians in a city with a population of 350,000 each and every single man, women and child was considered fair game.

Fallujah, or “the city of Mosques” as it’s known in Iraq, was being butchered.

Civilians who sought shelter in one of the two hundred plus masajids across Fallujah were hunted down and killed inside places of worship.

The BBC like many of the free British media, on the direct orders of both Blair’s Government and it’s US army commanders, blatantly failed to provide any sort of balanced reporting on the atrocities being committed in Fallujah. The BBC claimed that it saw no evidence of illegal chemical weapons being used by the Americans.

But we knew differently.

We knew this was the first time in modern warfare that White Phosphorus had been used as a thermobaric weapon on a civilian population.

We knew what the long term effects would be.

So when myself and a group of brothers demonstrated in the court yard of Regents Street Masajid, we were painted as the extremists.

The very same BBC who failed to report on Fallujah, were there on hand to brilliantly capture some footage for their own propaganda purposes. (first 40 seconds of above video).

Pathetically, that documentary talks about the usual fantasy’s about extremist Muslims.


Because we know your agenda of demonstration elections, of bringing “Freedom & Democracy” to our lands.

We have the same access to your academics who plan your foreign policy strategy;

“demonstration elections” are “organised and staged by a foreign power primarily to pacify a restive home population, reassuring it that ongoing interventionary processes are legitimate and appreciated by their foreign objects.”

(Herman and Brodhead Demonstration Elections, South End Press, 1984, p.5)

In the case of Fallujah, it is of course vital that domestic audiences in the US and UK be persuaded that their governments are killing Iraqis with the support of, even on behalf of, Iraqis themselves. The possibility that Iraqis might be dying in their tens of thousands for Western power and profit must, of course, be kept so far out of sight that it is barely even thinkable.

Years later, the truth began to emerge about the full scale of the horrors bought down on the people of Fallujah. I watched the BBC’s “Secret Iraq” documentary with tears rolling down my face.

US General Jack Keane, the chief of the US army admitting what they did was;

“Horrible….to the people of Fallujah….we did so much damage there”

We were out there, because we were fed up.

Our Muslims leaders did nothing.

The Government refused to listen.

We had no other weapon than our tongues to fight against the massacre of Fallujah by British and American forces.

Many Muslims debated over what they saw that night – many Muslims were content in perfecting themselves and doing nothing.

The Government always wants to know what makes Muslims like me agitated, what gets us all riled up?

All it takes is for me to switch on the news, Al Jazeera, Press TV and to a much lesser sense the Government propaganda channels of BBC, SKY & CNN to turn me into an extremist.

I will never forget what you did in Fallujah.

I will never forgive you for what you did in Bosnia & Chechnya.

I will never forgive you for what you continue to do in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan & Kashmir.


Filed under Documentary, Experiences, Foreign Policy, Great Britain, Iraq, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak, Terrorism, UK politics, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy

The Curveball That Cost A Million Iraqi Lives

Recent revelations have shown that Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, the “intel asset” known upto now only as “Curveball”, as being the renowned source of the false intelligence on Iraq’s non existent WMD’s.

Now that the truth about the lies and propaganda has been revealed, you can expect the cheerleaders of the illegal invasion – Blair, Campbell, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and countless others – will attempt to amend the construct of their argument, don’t blame us guv’ we were the innocent party in all of this, if there’s someone to blame, it’s Al-Janabi.

Are we to believe that the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world can be duped so easily?

Even a simple layman like myself would want to test the evidence by simply seeking some sort of corroboration from other sources to have it validated.

It rings true doesn’t it?

So why didn’t this cross the minds of the geniuses at Whitehall, the Ministry of Defence, the Cabinet Office and the Joint Intelligence Committee’s?

Carne Ross has over fifteen years diplomatic experience in the British Foreign Office and United Nations and served as the speechwriter to the British Foreign Secretary. He also spent four and a half years as First Secretary for the UK delegation on the UN Security Council, where he was the delegation’s Middle East “expert”.

He has gone on the record to state at the Chilcot inquiry:

“…the UK assessment of the Iraqi threat that were, in their totality, lies.”

Let’s be clear, there was no credible evidence of substantial stocks of WMD in Iraq.

Yet it was this cross referencing of evidence that was so clearly abandoned in advance of the invasion.

Instead it was reports that suited the story of an imminent Iraqi threat that were picked out, polished and formed the basis of public claims like Colin Powell’s presentation to the UN security council, or the No 10 dossier.

This was exactly how a false case for war was constructed: not by the deliberate creation of a falsehood, but by willfully and secretly manipulating the evidence to exaggerate the importance of reports like Curveball’s, and to ignore contradictory evidence.

This was a subtle process, elaborated from report to report, in such a way that allowed officials themselves to believe that they were not deliberately lying – more editing, perhaps, or simplifying for public presentation.

The stark reality is that the war in Iraq never ended after Oil War I in 1991, the decade long bombing sorties and collective punishment of crippling sanctions is testament to that.

The war mongers were bending over backwards to instil a new puppet in Iraq, for decades Saddam did the bidding that “Western Foreign Policy” dictated, fighting a decade long war against neighbouring Iran, gassing his own people, all with training and weaponry courtesy of his western sponsors. But once the dog bites the masters hand, the dog has to be put down.

In essence, that’s what the illegal invasion of Iraq was all about, it wasn’t about WMD’s or yellow cake, or helping the people escape the clutches of a tyrannical regime, it was all about regime change, and using brutal shock and awe to achieve it.

In baseball parlance, a curveball is one that is pitched to deceive the batsman into taking a swing, the ball, unbeknownst to the batsman is on a trajectory which will cause him to swing and miss his target. Never has such a simple metaphor been truer, or more deadly.

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Filed under Iraq, Manufacturing Consent, UK politics, War Crimes

Creating The Terror Threat: Mohammed Junaid Babar, Al-Qaida Captain or CIA Agent?

Mohammed Junaid Babar, was apparently the man who trained the idiots behind the 7/7 London bombings. So how do you go from serving a 70-year jail sentence in America, to being released after serving only four and a half years?

Since the war against Islam began almost a decade ago, western intelligence agencies have had their plans revealed in the public domain on several occassions, when one of their muslim assets have not played the game like their masters have wished.

I’ve been documenting cases under “Creating The Terror Threat” for some time now, to provide you with a map of how the Gladio game is played out.

Junaid Babar is just the latest in a long line of western intelligence trained terrorists.

Rashid Rauf was the British ‘terrorist mastermind’ of the alleged plot to blow up at least 10 transatlantic airliners, but somehow managed to escape from custody, while in handcuffs and shackles.

Jamal al-Badawi was convicted in 2004 of planning and carrying out the USS Cole bombing. He too managed to escape from prison before being pardoned of his crimes.

Omar Al-Faruq was described as being the mastermind of the Bali bomb plot, he was arrested in June 2002 and handed over to the americans.

Former Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang was quoted by Tempo as saying that Al-Faruq was most likely a CIA-recruited agent.

In 2005, a Pentagon official in Washington confirmed that Al-Faruq escaped from a U.S. detention facility in Bagram, Afghanistan.

Haroon Rashid Aswat was described as being the mastermind of the 7 July London bombings.

The authorities stated that Aswat had made mobile telephone calls to two of the 7 July bombers on the morning of the 7/7 attacks.

After Aswat was handed over to the UK police, Scotland Yard police headquarters said, on 7 August 2005, that detectives were not interested in speaking to Aswat about the London attacks.

Former US federal prosecutor John Loftus claimed that British intelligence had been recruiting “Islamist militants”. Loftus stated that Aswat was a British-backed double agent, pursued by the police but protected by MI6.

Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (Executive Director of the Institute of Policy Research & Development) has written extensively on this topic.

He wrote a very good account on what I have touched on titled “Our Terrorists”, which should be read by those trying to go beyond understanding the official narrative of the global war against terror.


Filed under Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Terrorism, UK politics

Why Attack Iran?

All the time there is a growing clamour to attack Iran.


Iran has a proven oil and gas reserve worth $85bn

Watch the unmissable interview with Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian economist and visiting professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, he also heads up the independent think tank Global Research. Chossudovsky believes that the U.S. is planning for war, and in an interview with Russia Today, he outlines the reasons why.


Filed under Iran, Manufacturing Consent

Are The UK & US Sponsoring Terrorism In Iran?

Iran today announced the capture of Abdul Malak Rigi, leader of terrorist group Jundallah.

Abdul Malak Rigi was seen at an American base a day earlier and on his person he was carrying a passport issued by the U.S.

Iran has long claimed that Jundallah was backed by the United States as part of an ongoing proxy war meant to pressure the Islamic Republic. Iran’s Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi showed a photo of Abdulmalak Rigi on state television and said it was taken at the “headquarters of Americans in Afghanistan” 24 hours before his capture. Moslehi also showed an identity card and passport purporting to belong to Rigi that he said were issued by the U.S.

“We warn the U.S and British intelligence services that they should stop underwriting terrorists, we have strong evidence proving Abdulmalak Rigi was enjoying support from U.S., England and some other European countries.”

Moslehi stated in a televised interview.

In 2007, ABC News revealed in a programme titled “The Secret War Against Iran” that a Pakistani group called the Jundullah has been “encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005.” The report also revealed that the US officials had ordered Jundullah to ‘stage deadly guerrilla raids inside the Islamic Republic, kidnap Iranian officials and execute them on camera’, all as part of a ‘programmatic objective to overthrow the Iranian government’.

A 2007 Sunday Telegraph report revealed that the CIA had created Jundullah to achieve ‘regime change in Iran’. The report said it was the very same US intelligence outfit that had tried to destabilise Iran by ‘supplying arms-length support’ and ‘money and weapons’ to Jundullah.

Former Pakistan Army Chief General Mirza Aslam Baig has said that the United States is providing training facilities to the people of Jundallah, in Balochistan so that these people could create unrest in the area and affect Iran-Pakistan relations.

Devlin Buckley, at The American Monitor, on 25 April 2007, pointed out that Jundullah was also linked to the Liquid Air Bomb Plot of 2006.

Both U.S. and British officials have claimed that the boss of the Jundullah is Matiur Rehman.

Rehman is reportedly a member of Al CIAda and was reportedly involved in the liquid bomb plot.

Abdul Hamid Rigi, second in command of Jundullah and brother of it’s captured leader Abdul Malak, has previously stated that:

“Since 1382 (2003), Jundullah members have been involved in fifty to sixty terrorist operations, including mass murder, hostage takings, bombings, raids, car thefts, and other acts of sabotage against civilians and the government.”

Jundullah leader Abdulmalik Rigi received $100,000 from US operatives to fuel sectarianism in Iran in just one of their meetings, his brother has said.

“My brother Abdulmalik met several times with US forces in Pakistan, I myself took part in one of those meetings, where we discussed recruitment, training, infiltrating Iran and methods of inflaming Sunni-Shia sectarianism for three hours. In that meeting, the Americans gave my brother $100,000”

Abdulhamid also said that during the meeting in question, his brother had asked for computer and satellite equipment, which he used to recruit young Sunni Baluchies. According to Jundullah’s former number two, young men were attracted to the group because it sought to portray itself as an Islamic and Jihadist movement.

Abdulmalik Rigi admitted during an interview with a US-based satellite TV station that his group collaborated with another anti-Iranian terrorist group, the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).

“They (MKO) inform us about the regime’s activities in our areas of operations and let us know of the regime’s forces in these districts and send us most of the intelligence of our interest by email and messages”

The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Iran, and Iraq. Nevertheless, the US government has still not classified Jundullah as a proscribed terrorist organisation.

The US & UK at the behest of their client, Israel, has been trying desperately to effect regime change in Iran, under the pretext of Iran’s nuclear aims.

They tried the “Dove” tactics of undermining the elections in Iran and supporting the opposition to rally, while at the same time supporting a corrupted election so their puppet in Afghanistan could get a second term.

When the “Doves” fail, it’s always left to the “Jackals” to get the job done. There have been several cases of “American or western hitchikers” being arrested in Iran, which should be read as black op agents operating clandestinely for a foreign intelligence agency.


Filed under Afghanistan, Great Britain, Iran, Israel, Manufacturing Consent, Media Unspeak, War, Western Hypocrisy