Monthly Archives: September 2012

Think Tank Henry Jackson Society Promotes Iran War To Parliament

The Henry Jackson Societies attempt to build a pro war consensus against Iran gathered further pace last week, as they pitched their case of “what it takes to prevent a nuclear Iran” to a packed committee chamber in Parliament.

As we showed in a damning expose last week, penned by Alan Mendoza, a former Co-Director of The Henry Jackson Society (HJS) In a damning indictment, Mendoza stated that the HJS are an:

“abrasively right-wing forum with an anti-Muslim tinge, churning out polemical and superficial pieces by aspiring journalists and pundits that pander to a narrow readership of extreme Europhobic British Tories, hardline US Republicans and Israeli Likudniks…..provides an insight into the obscure backstage world of Conservative politics”

HJS are a Zionist, Neo-Conservative front that are lobbying intensively at the heart of our Government to manufacture consent for an attack on Iran.

A recent study released by the Political Studies Association at the University of Durham titled “Thinking ahead : David Cameron, the Henry Jackson Society and the British Neoconservatives” makes for some very shocking reading to the uninitiated, on matters of Foreign Policy and International Relations.

The “expert talking head” the HJS bought into Parliament to effectively sell war to our politicians was one Michael Makovsky, Foreign Policy Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a right wing, pro war, Neo-Con, American think tank.

Michael Makovsky is himself an interesting character, between 2002-2006, Makovsky served as a special assistant for Iraqi energy policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defence and is a founder and president of MSM Consulting LLC, an energy and political risk consulting firm for various investment firms, focusing on markets and hedging strategies for oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power.

Makovsky also authored “Churchill’s Promised Land” exploring Winston Churchill’s relationship with Zionism.

So what you have is a staunch zionist, that definitely stands to gain ideologically with Iran’s destruction and possibly earning a few bucks by hedging investments on behalf of his clients on the world oil bourse.

Sadly our Parliamentarians are either too stupid or are complicit with this scheme, the picture above was gleefully tweeted by HJS staffer Ray Kassam shows a packed parliamentary committee room listening to the lies being spun:

Just in case our Oxbridge educated political elite have forgotten about the lies and spin that led to the illegal invasion and subsequent murder of over a million innocent Iraqi’s, let’s just remind them of a few facts.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) just released its most recent report GOV/2012/37 30 August 2012on the state of Iran’s nuclear program.

As usual this report is used to hype up the “nuclear Iran” scare.

Rupert Murdoch’s The Times was busily reporting that Iran is stockpiling weapons grade uranium a claim which is so completely false as even its own report below that headline states:

The Israeli diplomat said that Iran was in the process of doubling its capacity at Fordow to about 1,500 centrifuges, increasing the amount of 20 per cent-enriched uranium it could produce. Uranium enriched to 20 per cent fuels Iran’s main research reactor, but it is also just below the level usable in nuclear bombs.”

Not only is any Uranium Iran has below weapons grade but, according to the new IAEA report, “Iran has today less enriched Uranium that could quickly be converted into a nuclear weapon than it had in May 2012”, the time of the IAEA’s last report GOV/2012/23 – dated 25 May 2012 on the issue.

In an unprecedented visit to Israel, Sir John Sawyers, head of Mi6, urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to give the go-ahead to plans to bomb Iran. Britain may well be opposed to taking decisive military action on Iran right now, but with the likes of the HJS beating the drums of war to our Politicians, it makes the likelihood of an escalation of hostilities far more likely.

Recently Sir Nick Harvey the Lib Dem MP was removed from his post in the Ministry of Defence. The former Armed Forces Minister, told friends that he was fired in the reshuffle to allow Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to sign Britain up to an Israeli-US preventive strike to take out Iran’s nuclear installations.

Was Harvey sacked just so he wouldn’t embarrasse the Government by being too critical of Israel’s actions if he had still been in the key Ministry of Defence post?

The row broke as sources confirmed that the US has asked Britain to provide frigates to patrol the Straits of Hormuz, where an Armada of international naval power is massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. That’s quite a manoeuvre to pull off, while the rest of the world is distracted by a video no one ever really saw, cruisers, aircraft carriers and minesweepers from 25 nations have converged onto the Persian Gulf.

On the whole, the “nuclear Iran” scare has little to do with reality and everything to do with the Israeli, American and British desire to subjugate Iran and thereby further their global and regional domination. As was proved in the run upto the Iraq invasion, we cannot expect to read about the reality of Iran when the consensus is dictated by Israeli pro war hawks, to our imbecilic politicians or even in the majority of the western propaganda media channels.

The Neo-Con/Zionist axis of evil promotes wars that have absolutely nothing to do with Britain or the British people. Merchants of hate like the HJS piggy back onto Iran to simply promote their own agenda. They are not interested in the oft quoted “Freedom & Democracy”, peace or the idea that Western civilisation is far more advanced than the rest of the world.

The HJS operate as a “Fifth Column” in Britain, with every single conflict and war that they promote requiring the death of British troops and our taxes to fight their wars. It gives their special interest groups that fund their think tank activities, billions of dollars in extra profits received from servicing the war industry.

You can read further on the Henry Jackson Society in one my recent articles:

Raheem J Kassam – Another “Muslim” house slave for the Neo Cons & Right Wing Tories

As well as the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK taking apart another HJS affiliate, in an article titled:

“Where’s Rupert Sutton’s head at?”


Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Great Britain, House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East, Reports & Findings, Think Tanks, UK politics, Zionism

Justice for the 96! Hillsborough & exposing British police corruption!

It’s taken 23 long hard years for the families of the 96 that died at Hillsborough to get a glimpse of justice, 23 long years of successive British governments lying and colluding with a corrupt police force and media, finally yesterday the truth was revealed and the mass cover up exposed.

A couple of years ago I blogged on the ongoing “Justice for the 96” campaign started by Liverpool Football Club supporters and how Rupert Murdoch’s The Scum newspaper deliberately lied and how that web of lies was upheld by one of Murdoch’s key lieutenants – Kelvin McKenzie.

Today’s front page of The Scum newspaper sadly doesn’t look like the one above, in reality it looks like:

The carefully choreographed words of “deeply ashamed and profoundly sorry” were said by the Prime Minister David Cameron, The Scum editor Dominic Mohan and Norman Bettison Chief Constable of West Yorkshire police.

It’s been proved that there certainly was a conspiracy to ensure that the truth of Hillsborough would be covered up, my original post came well before Rupert Murdoch was shown to have the British political elite in his back pocket.

It’s no conspiracy theory that the “King-Maker” role played by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch owned media has supported successive Labour-Conservative governments in recent decades.

It’s no conspiracy theory to state that Rupert Murdoch has a pervasive and damaging effect on British democracy through his ownership of printed & television media channels.

If it’s not Rupert Murdoch, then it’s his zionist cohort Richard “the pornographer” Desmond who also has an equally troubling choke hold on British mainstream media.

Once in control of the media, the ideological warfare begins. This shows how the right wing zionist media owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch & Richard Desmond promote the hatred of Muslims and Islam to sell newspapers.

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that Sean Hoare the News Of The World whistle blower was murdered because he knew too much?

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that our British government is the true enemy of free speech and a well and truly free press that is free to criticise?

Hell….you can have a plethora of sex channels on British television, you can even have a gay sex channel on British television and that’s no problem for David Cameron’s media regulator, OFCOM.

You can be Rupert Murdoch at the head of a media corporation which stands accused of rampaging through practically every law in the book and yet you are deemed to be a fit and proper person to operate a television station in London.

But report anything that contravenes the pro war actions of the government run media and there’s hell to pay!

When it comes to events such as Hillsborough, the London Tube bombings, the Lockerbie bombing can we trust the police and justice system?

The Independent newspaper stated the explosives used in the 7/7 bombs ‘was of military origin’

A former Scottish police chief, gave lawyers a signed statement stating that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

‘The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.’

Mark Duggan, the Tottenham man who was executed by the police, who’s murder sparked last year’s riots was said to have had a gun, there have been multiple claims against the police during the IPCC investigation for planting a gun at the scene to cover up for their own crime.

In a world that has been flooded by news, there is usually nothing that rises far above the smouldering lava of sensation — that which consumes all truth and absorbs all lies mixing them into a fiery lake or stew of bubbling nonsense. So much so, that to discover glanced over facts, to question people of importance within government or the machine itself leads to the branding of one as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Not all people who doubt the official version of the story are raving lunatics.

Some, like myself, have an honest distrust of their own government.

This is the legacy left by lying politicians and an untrustworthy media machine.

Always question.


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Football, Great Britain, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak, Police State, UK politics

NEVER FORGET the atrocities committed since September 11

John Pilger – Breaking The Silence, Truth And Lies In The War On Terror

It’s been eleven years since 9/11, while 2,916 people died on that day, Millions have been killed & felt the wrath of America’s revenge in the ensuing wars. That one event of 9/11 has been used to justify every single bit of criminal action committed by the US & her junior partners ever since.

A few years ago I wrote a piece for the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK titled the “Septembers of our lives”

I rehashed and added to that a year later, including several other terrorist atrocities committed on September 11 that the media don’t make a song and dance about.

With the outpouring of 9/11 propaganda, I had a chance to drop a few of my own. Hence the blogs about:

Do you remember the five Israeli’s who filmed the 9/11 attacks & were caught celebrating?

Bombs on the George Washington bridge & the Israeli’s that were caught with bombs & Arab disguises

Israel had prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks

You see if I had the power of Murdoch’s media behind me, I could endlessly play those reports until the whole world believed it to be the 100% unassailable truth.

America & her partners got more than their pound of flesh when they obliterated Iraq, decimated Afghanistan, pulverised Pakistan & turned the Muslim world into one sectarian driven nightmare. Any dignity or good will you had on THAT morning has long since evaporated.

I cannot sugarcoat it for you, so before you accuse me of harbouring a conspirational agenda, go and read an earlier post of mine “The False Charges of Conspiracy Theory”.

Many media bods (propagandists) argue that if 9/11 was an inside job than surely someone would have broken ranks and spilled the beans by now.

Watch the above interview and see what Richard Clarke, the Chief Counter Terror adviser to the White House 1998-2002 had to say. If you don’t have time to watch the entire interview, watch from 09:00 onwards.

And you can see for yourself where all that 9/11 charity money went to as well, some of the 9/11 profiteers, frauds, and fools have been revealed.

Just don’t expect to hear anyone accuse the military industrial complex of profiteering of the back of 9/11 anytime soon though.

A message to the American government, stop using the excuse of 9/11 to justify every single thing you do to kill Muslims the world over.

Stop lying to your own citizens, the statistics show that since 9/1, only 33 deaths were from “Muslim” terrorism against an unbelievable 150,000 deaths from murders within America itself.

Perhaps it’s time for America to act decisively and launch “The War Against Murder”.

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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Military Industrial Complex, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy

Paul Smith gets ASBO for making bombs – What if he was Muslim?

Is it possible a Muslim could have convinced a court that the explosives found in his home and his bomb making expertise were merely a hobby and were in no way a threat to harm or injure others?

Of course not.

But that’s exactly the line of defence used by Paul Smith to convince Hull Crown Court  that he wasn’t a terrorist threat and he escaped with nothing but an ASBO

Unbelievable right?

When his house was searched, officers discovered two pipe bombs, bomb-making equipment and a number of “sophisticated” explosives, with an army bomb disposal team being rushed in to make his house safe.

Of course this wasn’t headline news, receiving rolling coverage on the news channels as there was no Muslim involved.

Det Ch Insp Steve Hibbit, from Humberside Police, stated:

“We never found any evidence that Mr Smith had any intent to harm anybody, either as a group or an individual”

He added that Paul Smith had an interest in explosives:

“in the same way that other people have an interest in collecting stamps”

Before rounding off with:

“He was clearly self-taught using recipes that are readily available to anybody”

If a Muslim had “an interest in explosives” and taught themselves how to make improvised explosive devises “that are readily available” on the internet, there would be howls of derision that radicalised Muslims are downloading Al-Qaeda’s bomb making manuals.

If he was a Muslim, he’d have been shackled head to toe, his family and their extremist ways would be exposed in the scumbag press, the Masajid he frequented would be accused of training terrorists and he’d be rotting in Belmarsh.

Well done to the police and the so called justice system for proving yet again that Muslims really are the enemy.

This is by no means a one off – for further reading on how the Police and Justice system are inherently biased against Muslims, read “What if he was Muslim?”


Filed under Creating The Terror Threat, Great Britain, Western Hypocrisy, What If He Was Muslim?

Channel 4 Paralympics – Public Enemy Meets the Superhumans

With the Paralympics well under way, I’ve got to congratulate the creatives over at Channel 4 for using Public Enemy’s “Harder Than You Think” as the anthem for the marketing campaign for the Paralympics.

Here’s the official video of “harder than you think”, from their 2007 album “how you sell soul to a soulless people who sold their soul? in case you never saw it before:

Goosebumps indeed!

“Check the facts expose those cats
Who pose as heros and take advantage of blacks
Your governments gangster so cut the crap
A war goin on so where you at?

Fight the power comes great responsiblity
F the police but whos stoppin you from killin me?”

Public Enemy released their latest album “most of my heroes still don’t appear on no stamp” recently, I recommend it and support the best politically concious rap group of all time.

If you want to hear more about Public Enemy, check out one of my earlier posts – Public Enemy ‘The Black CNN’: When Hip Hop Took Control

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Filed under Hip Hop, Soundtrack To The Struggle