Monthly Archives: September 2010

Baroness Warsi blasts “Asian electoral fraud cost Tories the election”

Baroness Warsi says dodgy Paki’s used their unsurpassable skills of electoral fraud which ultimately cost the Tories the election.

Sayeeda Warsi, the chairman of the Conservative Party and minister without portfolio stated in an interview with the New Statesman’s Mehdi Hasan:

“At least three seats where we lost, where we didn’t gain the seat, based on electoral fraud. Now, could we have planned for that in the campaign? Absolutely not.”

This is the first time a senior minister has made such a blunt and specific allegation about the impact of electoral fraud on the general election result. Can she reveal the names of those seats?

“I think it would be wrong to start identifying them, It is predominantly within the Asian community. I have to look back and say we didn’t do well in those communities, but was there something over and above that we could have done? Well, actually not, if there is going to be voter fraud.”

When asked if Warsi believed the Labour Party in those three seats had benefited from the alleged fraud. Her answer was?


Warsi also launched a scathing attack on the “anti-Islamic sentiment” of the British press, which she compared to the anti-semitism of the early 20th century.

“If you go back historically – [and] I was looking at some [London] Evening Standard headlines, where there were things written about the British Jewish community less than 100 years ago – they have kind of replaced one with the other.”

Warsi referred to the conservative columnist Peter Oborne, who has said that anti-Islamic sentiment is the last socially acceptable form of bigotry in the UK, saying:

“That’s absolutely true …. If you have a pop at the British Muslim community in the media, then first of all it will sell a few papers; second, it doesn’t really matter; and third, it’s fair game.”

She added that Labour’s approach towards ethnic minorities was “so patronising”, saying:

“The party behaved as if the British Raj was still happening and I was quite appalled at the way BME [black and minority ethnic] communities would respond to that.”

She denied she faced discrimination from the Tory party “as an Asian woman”, but said:

“I think as an Asian, Muslim woman there were blocs, not within the Conservative party, but within the wider Conservative thinking, that had question marks about who I was and what I represented.”

As the most powerful Muslim politico in the land, Warsi should be applauded for her (rather late) realisation on the rabid Islamophobic tendencies of the right wing gutter press. The fact that Andy Coulson (Conservative head of communications aka spin doctor) was once an editor of one of Rupert Murdoch’s rags perhaps shows a touch of moral midgetry at play.

Postal vote fraud and the asian community go hand in hand like a china man and rice.

But let’s be fair, it’s not all the asian’s though is it?

Just the Pakistani’s – the ones who have solidly and unquestioningly propped up the Labour party for the last 60 odd years.

After all The Times told us that the UK’s Ballot security was ‘worse than Kenya’.

There were also persistent rumours that 27 voters were registered to a single London flat and that the property was owned by the family of a man who was a Labour council candidate.

The system is open to manipulation – remember how George Bush stole the election in 2000?

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Filed under UK General Election 2010, UK politics

America’s military ties with India & fighter jet sales to Saudi

Here’s The Akh with his roundup of the real news over the last couple of days, how many of these registered on your radar?

Conflict & Fault Lines


Energy & Natural Resources

Food Security

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Filed under The Real News

U.S. soldiers murder innocent Afghans for fun & the army covers it up

“He just really doesn’t have any problems with f—ing killing these people”

Corporal Jeremy N. Morlock is one of five American soldiers charged with pre-meditated murder in a case that includes allegations of widespread drug use, the collection of body parts and photos of the U.S. soldiers holding the Afghan bodies like hunter’s trophies.

The full video is available to view on the ABC News website here.

It’s a known fact that American soldiers would cut off the ears of the Vietnamese and wear them as necklaces. Today it’s the Muslims in Afghanistan who are being hunted and killed for fun, with their body parts kept as some kind of “big game” trophy.

This is not an isolated incident, as it will no doubt be portrayed as, these soldiers are indoctrinated from day one at boot camp to think that their enemy is less then an animal.

We’ve witnessed Abu Ghraib, and this isn’t any different when it comes to the U.S. Army having to investigate itself – cover up – it’ll be put down to a few “rogue elements” or “bad apples”, chain of command will deny all knowledge, and the terrorists who committed this atrocity will be given a lenient sentence in a cushy army prison.

The U.S. Army is restricting access to photos of soldiers with the Afghan corpses, as they hurriedly redact and try to spin their way out of this situation.

A top U.S. Army official has ordered that images of dead or wounded “casualties or detainees” may not be made public.

Officials had told AFP in May that the whistle blower
, whose identity has been kept secret, was badly battered, with one source saying he was “beaten within an inch of his life”, the authorities have yet to answer allegations that warnings of atrocities were ignored for months.

So what happened to the freedom and the justice you were giving to the Afghan people?

These war criminals should be turned over to the courts in the country where they committed their crimes, let the Afghan judicial system decide their punishment.


Filed under Afghanistan, War Crimes, Western Hypocrisy

CONservative’s pressurise BBC to drop Ashcroft Panorama programme?

Why did the BBC pull an edition of its Panorama programme about the financial affairs of Tory backer Lord Ashcroft just hours before it was due for broadcast?

A statement from the beeb didn’t reveal too much.

Perhaps moneybags Ashcroft is seeing a return on all the millions he’s pumped into the CONservative party by getting them to pressurise the BBC to drop the programme…or are the BBC afraid of being threatened with a law suit?

Lord Ashcroft’s dodgy dealings has seen him labelled as someone who has ‘subjugated a nation’, a claim from the Prime Minister of Belize himself. While the CONservatives have been more concerned with his “non-dom” tax status.

Belizeans take to the streets to protest against Lord Michael Ashcroft’s Belize Bank Ltd. over $20M diverted from the public treasury to pay off a private loan that had been secretly guaranteed by Belize’s former prime minister.

Colonialism never really went away, it was replaced by the myth of “free trade” and “market forces”.


Filed under Arts & Media, Great Britain, UK politics

Ed Miliband left-wing? You’re having a laugh

The next Prime Minister of this country is likely to be as Pro-Israel as it gets. Edward Samuel Miliband has said “I intend to lead a Labour Party that remains a true friend to Israel”.

This is what both brothers Miliband had to say about Israel:

Ed gives a more critical general answer than David when asked about Israel:

Would you speak up for Israel and on issues of concern to the British Jewish community if you became Labour leader?

“DM: A stable Middle East has a secure Israel at its heart; this is non-negotiable. My trips to Israel show a deep yearning for peace. I think the vision of Israel living side by side with a Palestinian state is not only just but necessary. I have spent a good deal of time over the past three years as foreign secretary making the case for peace and building strong relations with the UK’s Jewish communities. In fact, I have done that during this campaign and it will of course continue.

EM: I will always stand up for Israel’s right to live in peace and security, and work towards a settlement in the Middle East in which a stable Palestinian state can coexist next to an Israel that is secure in its borders. And I will always be open to issues that concern the British Jewish community, whether they concern issues of the treatment of Jews in Britain or issues to do with relations with Israel. I intend to lead a Labour Party that remains a true friend to Israel. But friendship is both about supporting your friend when they are treated unfairly or victimised, and speaking honestly when you feel they aren’t making the right decisions.”

But then, conversely, David is slightly firmer on the Gaza flotilla and blockade:

What is your view of Israel’s interception of the Gaza flotilla?

“DM: I am afraid it was self-defeating. In fact, I have spoken to many in the Jewish community and in Israel who feel the same way. It isolates Israel and strengthens its enemies. I welcome the announcement by the Israeli government to move from a list of permitted goods to a smaller list of banned goods. But the approach to Gaza is not delivering.

EM: I support Israel’s right to act in self-defence of its borders, but think Israel’s interception of the flotilla was not the right thing to do. It led to deaths and injuries that I believe were avoidable. I support the United Nations Security Council’s expression of concern about Israel’s action as well as its call for an international investigation. Israel faces a security threat that cannot be met without international support. This incident has clearly made it harder for Israel to win this support around the world.”

It’s clear to The Akh, that if you own all the horses in the race, then you’re going to win everytime.

Apart from his apparently pro zionist views, what else do we know about Edward?

The son of the late Marxist theorist Ralph Miliband, of Polish Jewish origin.

From 2003 to 2004, Ed Miliband spent a year’s sabbatical at Harvard University, to study and lecture at Harvard’s Centre for European Studies.

His partner is Justine Thornton, a Cambridge-educated barrister, who is a senior environmental lawyer working for E.On, which is currently seeking to win the right to build a series of new coal and nuclear power stations. The value of the nuclear power station contract is £20billion. Ed’s previous role was as climate change secretary.

Ed Miliband succeeded because the the major trade unions backed him, although it’s said he is as pro-capitalist and pro-globalisation as it gets. Ed Miliband left-wing? They’re having a laugh.

You have to love the labour leadership elections, of those who wanted a Miliband, most wanted the other one, but because those who wanted anyone BUT a Miliband thought this one was the lesser of the two evils, so he’s in.

What a convincing mandate we had.

Look beyond the rhetoric and the sound-bites, a very different picture emerges.

The reality is that Ed Miliband is not so much the ‘change’ candidate, but a politician who will deliver more of the same neo-liberal policies that both Conservative and Labour governments have followed over the past 30 years.


Filed under Current Affairs, Great Britain, Israel, UK politics

Learn effective techniques on how to scan the media

With the proliferation of the media, more news is available to us then ever before, but do YOU have the ability to separate the BS from what matters? Can YOU see beyond the flak and see what’s relevant in shaping the world around you.

First presented in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, the “Propaganda model” views the private media as businesses interested in the sale of a product — readers and audiences — to other businesses (advertisers) rather than that of quality news to the public. Describing the media’s “societal purpose”, Chomsky writes;

“… the study of institutions and how they function must be scrupulously ignored, apart from fringe elements or a relatively obscure scholarly literature”.

The theory postulates five general classes of “filters” that determine the type of news that is presented in news media. These five classes are:

1. Ownership of the medium
2. Medium’s funding sources
3. Sourcing
4. Flak
5. Anti-communist ideology (which has been replaced by an anti-Islamic rhetoric)

The first three are generally regarded by the authors as being the most important.

Although the model was based mainly on the characterisation of United States media, Chomsky and Herman believe the theory is equally applicable to any country that shares the basic economic structure and organising principles which the model postulates as the cause of media biases.

Critical thought is lacking amongst most, who simply gorge themselves on the trivialities of which sports team is winning, losing or taking bribes, or other forms of salacious celebrity gossip and worship, these are factors which are pored over and discussed as if they were the most supremely pressing matters of the day, infact they are the flak, the fodder that is served to you, to keep you in a state of ambivalence.

To counter this, The Akh will keep you posted with news in the form of a link drop every 48 hours, within the following categories:

Conflict & Fault Lines


Five-fold rise in gold price ‘is not a bubble’, claims World Gold Council
Europe’s accelerators to go dark in 2012 due to budget cuts

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Filed under The Real News

When will you wake up? They Live!!!

They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realising it. THEY LIVE!!!

In 1988, John Carpenter directed “They Live”, a film of an allegorical tale which showed a slow and deliberate immersion of the daunting and worrying fable of the corrupt, deceiving and indifferent economic, social and political society, one that has wrapped itself around its people and who in turn have blindly accepted their fate.

One man (“Rowdy” Roddy Piper, that’s when wrestling was wrestling) receives a reality check, funnily enough with the help of a pair of sunglasses (as the video above shows) that shows the world as it really is, not in colour, but a black and white parallel world that the sub-conscious has chosen to ignore.

With subliminal messages as “OBEY”, “CONFORM”, “MARRY AND REPRODUCE”, “CONSUME”, “WATCH TELEVISION” and “SLEEP”. It is through this thought control that the rulers have this world tied up and neatly packaged for its own manipulative uses, to further themselves at the expense of the meek, mild and the lowly sufferers of a job less and hungry world.

This is the battle of self-awareness and the struggle with a reality check that has these alien beings staging war against the up-rising and rebellious armies from the gutters and streets.

They Live You Sleep; where will your consciousness take you when the sleep is washed from your eyes.

Welcome to the real world.

Some kind soul has posted the whole movie online via google video here so if you have nothing better to do this Sunday, kick back, relax and watch…they don’t make them like this anymore!

I watched this back in the day and was speaking to a one of these know it all youngsters who were born in the 90’s, who had no idea of this film, so here it is bucko, this ones for you, don’t say I never take any requests….and yeah, I know the effects aren’t exactly The Matrix, but hey, it was the eighties, and they were pretty good for the time (who am I kidding?) – and our imaginations were a far lot better then yours.


Filed under Arts & Media, Film Review

“9/11 was an inside job” was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad misquoted?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest comments at the United Nations have sparked outrage, why? he suggested that their should be a full impartial UN led investigation into the events surrounding 9/11.

The Iranian leader suggested that most people believe the U.S. government was responsible for 9/11.

Ahmadinejad suggested that perhaps “some segments within the US government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy”, and “to save the Zionist regime.”

According to Ahmadinejad, “the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view.”

The US “supported and took advantage of the situation.”

Ahmadinejad said some evidence that could support alternative theories had been “covered up” – passports located in the rubble and a video of an unknown individual who had been “involved in oil deals with some American officials.”

“I did not pass judgement, but don’t you feel that the time has come to have a fact finding committee”…. America should “not occupy the entire Middle East … bomb wedding parties … annihilate an entire village just because one terrorist is hiding there,”

The Akh, like many people would like a full independent inquiry into both 9/11 & 7/7, not the BS that we’ve been fed so far, with any attempt to unmask the truth being blocked at every level by the politicians and intelligence agencies that are supposedly there to protect us. Let’s be real, there’s been no credible evidence submitted before a independent court of law, no culpability or guilt proved. One day the truth will out, and it won’t be something that will be easily swallowed.

The truth of the matter is that whether it’s journalists or lawyers, they all face the same dilemma of a criminally failed investigation into 9/11:

“There was a time in South Africa that people would put flaming tires around people’s necks if they dissented. And in some ways the fear is that you will be necklaced here, you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck. Now it is that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions.”

Dan Rather, the star news anchor for the US television network CBS “US media cowed by patriotic fever, says CBS star”

Two days ago I asked the question “Why did the United Nations try to silence Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?”

Instead of shooting the messenger, the message needs to be addressed.


Filed under Free Speech, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Western Hypocrisy

Muslims, Sincerity, Faith & Struggle

Muslims have to be sincere in their E’maan (faith) and to struggle with their lives in the cause of Allah. As believers we have been warned to the effect that Allah indeed hates those people who say one thing and do another, and He indeed loves those who fight in the cause of the Truth, standing like a solid structure, against the enemies of Allah.

The believers have been exhorted to the effect that just as the disciples of Eesa Alayhis’Salaam (Prophet Jesus may Allah’s Peace be upon him) had helped him in the cause of Allah, so should they also become “helpers of Allah”, so that they too are blessed with the same kind of good pleasure and approval of Allah as had been the believers before them against the disbelievers.

As my Jumma reminder, first and foremost directed to myself before anyone else, I was reading the following passage from Surah As-Saff (S.61) from the Holy Qu’ran, and felt compelled to share;

v.10 O ye who believe! shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty?

v.11 That ye believe in Allah and His Apostle and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah with your property and your persons: that will be best for you if ye but knew!

v.12 He will forgive you your sins and admit you to Gardens beneath which rivers flow and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the supreme Achievement.

v.13 And another (favour will He bestow) which ye do love help from Allah and a speedy victory: so give the Glad Tidings to the Believers.

v.14 O ye who believe! be ye helpers of Allah: as said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples “Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?” Said the Disciples “We are Allah’s helpers!” Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed and a portion disbelieved: but We gave power to those who believed against their enemies and they became the ones that prevailed.


(61.10) Tijarat: bargain, trade, traffic, transaction: something given or done, in return for something which we desire to get. What we give or do on our part is described in verse 11 below, and what we get is described in verse 12. It is truly a wonderful bargain: what we are asked to give is so little; what we are promised in return is so much. There comes Allah’s unbounded Bounty and Munificence. Cf. also ix. 111, where the bargain is stated in another way.

(61.11) It would indeed be a great and wonderful bargain to give so little and get so much, if we only knew and understood the comparative value of things-the sacrifice of our fleeting advantages for forgiveness, the love of Allah, and eternal bliss.

(61.13) The supreme Achievement has already been mentioned viz.; the Gardens of Eternity with Allah. But lest that seem too remote or abstract for the understanding of men not strong in faith, another good news is mentioned which the men who first heard this Message could at once understand and appreciate-“which ye do love”: viz.: Help and Victory. For all striving in a righteous Cause we get Allah’s help: and however much the odds against us may be, we are sure of victory with Allah’s help. But all life is a striving or struggle,-the spiritual life even more than any other; and the final victory there is the same as the Garden of Eternity.

(61.14) If we seek Allah’s help, we must first help Allah’s Cause, i.e., dedicate ourselves to Him entirely and without reserve. This was also the teaching of Jesus, as mentioned in this verse.

See iii. 52, and n. 392; and for the Biblical reference, see the last note. The names of the twelve Disciples will be found in Matt. x. 2-4.

A portion of the Children of Israel-the one that really cared for Truth-believed in Jesus and followed his guidance. But the greater portion of them were hard hearted, and remained in their beaten track of formalism and false racial pride. The majority seemed at first to have the upper hand when they thought they had crucified Jesus and killed his Message. But they were soon brought to their senses. Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70 and the Jews have been scattered ever since. “The Wandering Jew” has become a bye-word in many literatures. On the other hand, those who followed Jesus permeated the Roman Empire, brought many new races within their circle, and through the Roman Empire, Christianity became the predominant religion of the world until the advent of Islam.

So is it promised to the people of Islam: they must prevail if they adhere to the Truth. Badr (A.H. 2) was a landmark against Pagan Arabia; Qadisiya (A.H. 14) and Madain (A.H. 16) against the might of Persia: Yarmuk (A.H. 15) against the might of the Byzantine Empire in Christian Syria; and Heliopolis (A.H. 19) against the same Empire in Christian Egypt and Africa.

These were symbols in external events.

The moral and spiritual landmarks are less tangible, and more gradual, but none the less real. Mark how the arrogance and power of Priesthood have been quelled; how superstition and a belief in blind Fate have been checked; how the freedom of human individuals has been reconciled with the sanctity of marriage in the law of Divorce; how the civil position of women has been raised; how temperance and sobriety have been identified with religion; what impetus has been given to knowledge and experimental science; and how economic reconstruction has been pioneered by rational schemes for the expenditure and distribution of wealth.

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Filed under Islam, Jumma Reminder, Quran Hadith Sunnah

Why did the United Nations try to silence Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took centre stage at the United Nations but his attack on the “unjust West” failed to be heard, as all live translation of his speech was cut by the translators at the UN.

Ahmadinejad was heard saying “There’s no translation” barely a minute into his speech, before the following announcement was made; “The interpreters would like to state that they are reading from a written text translated into English.”

With that, all live translation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech stopped altogether.

The President managed to communicate his message that there is a need for an overhaul of what he called “undemocratic and unjust” global decision-making bodies and challenged the US to accept that his country has a major role in world affairs.

The Akh stands to reason that perhaps the military industrial complex twinned with the right wing republican/fundamentalist christian/zionist nexus is at work – particularly as the war drums for attacking Iran are beating louder then ever – with the Americans being pushed to attack Iran by their israelite masters.

So much for freedom of speech?

Sidelined at the UN summit, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad explained how he wants to change the existing world order, as the biggest trouble facing the world is domination by the United States, as told to RT;

So how dangerous is Iran, I mean really?

Glenn Greenwald and Dylan Ratigan discuss the neocon inspired warmongering for an attack on Iran, and in the process pretty much destroy all the rhetoric currently doing the rounds:

If you did watch the above video, then great, if not the following sums bit of banter sums it all up:

Dylan Ratigan: “You are a war monger, you want to attack Iran the same way you attacked Iraq”

Cliff May: “The Iranian regime says death to america and writes death to america…isn’t that warmongering?”

Dylan Ratigan: (Laughingly) “Are you telling me that you want american soldiers and hundreds of millions of dollars and human life, blood shed by hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals, because they called you a name? you sound like a six year old, and with all due respect, if the best that you got is that a few people said death to america, then I actually feel bad for beating you up, it’s absurd”

Cliff May: “writing death to america on the side of a missile is not name calling, it’s kind of a threat…and americans watching Ahmadinejad on TV concerns them”

Dylan Ratigan: “What concerns me is that the use of my tax money to fund american soldiers and american weapons in the middle east to subordinate other middle easterns who are much poorer, so the ones we claim to defend in one country, we give the guns to a king in another country so he can do the same thing, and it’s the hypocrisy what is the root of this whole thing in the middle east, period.”

It’s a bit like talking to a lobotomised automaton who can only repeat the same worn out lines, over and over and over….still good to see that the american media has wisened up somewhat and are beginning to weed out the extremists in their own backyard.

* Cliff May is the president of Washington based thinktank The Foundation for Defense of Democracies. A pro zionist neo con front, palpably obvious from their role call of staff and affiliates.


Filed under Free Speech, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Western Hypocrisy