Tag Archives: Islamophobia

Daily Mail & Israel “Strike against Islam”

A Freudian slip by the Daily Mail for their masters in Tel Aviv? or simply yet another example of the Daily Fail at work?

Of course they realised their “mistake” and “UPDATED: 09:38, 29 October 2012” the headline to:

A war promoted by a war hungry zionist media

Still don’t believe it’s a war against Islam?

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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Iran, Islamophobia, Media Ownership & Control, Zionism

YouTube orders me to remove anti Muslim hate speech made by Roberta Moore – Leader of EDL Jewish Division

Roberta Moore the leader of the racist English Defence League’s Jewish division played the copyright card and got YouTube to issue a cease & desist order against a video I uploaded of her, making a hate speech against Muslims at an EDL rally in Dudley on July 17 2010.

As you can see from the capture the EDL Jewish division leader has a problem with free speech, yet funnily enough hid behind that very same rule to make her hate filled speech against Muslims in a public arena.

I’ve taken the liberty to re-upload the video for the sake of posterity, if you have a YouTube, or any other video sharing account for that matter, kindly distribute this video and let the truth ring free, as this zionist & racist machine we’re fighting will resort to every trick in the book to cover up and legitimise their hateful agenda.

In the words of Roberta Moore herself it’s:
“actually the Jewish Division that exploits the EDL.”

Zionists & the EDL, two groups that act as magnets for extremist right-wing rhetoric, supporting one another through xenophobia and ethno-centric supremacy.

A BBC2 Newsnight programme titled “Inside the English Defence League leadership” clearly showed EDL spokesman Amit/Guramit Singh saying that he receives his “intelligence” on Islam “from our researchers in Israel”.

The marriage of these extremist hate preachers and nationalist thugs is not just a marriage of convenience, it’s love at first sight.

Otherwise that Masajid that was almost burned down in Bury Park, Luton a few days ago (Luton being EDL HQ) will not become the exception, it will become the rule.

The EDL have previously stated: “Burn Our Poppies, We’ll Burn Your Mosques”

And days later a Muslim community centre in Ipswich was burned down.

Muslims have to take notice of this growing menace and take political action to stop it dead in its tracks NOW!


Filed under Free Speech, Great Britain, Islamophobia, Racism, Rise of the Far Right, Zionism

The dangers of travelling whilst being a Muslim

Travelling & flying is no fun these days if you’re Muslim, and by the time you read this, I may have been raped (not rape rape obviously) by rapists masquerading as airport security.

Whoever said that the journey itself is better then arriving at your destination, obviously wasn’t a Muslim in a post 9/11 world. After all there’s no better place then to see racism (passenger profiling) in action then at your international airport.

I’ve written before about the political machinations that affect Muslims while we try to catch a flight, “Flying While Muslim To Be Made A Crime” and even gave you my eye witness account of the typical occurrences when I flew out to China.

So while I’ve been taking my shoes and socks off, dumping my bottle of water, being felt up by a security perv, being chemically swabbed and having my underpants X-rayed at airports, all the “terrorists” really have to do is to send their “bomb” via post.

There have been many an attempt by the American military industrial complex to manufacture yet another terrorist scare.

Explosive devices that are sent to politicians and actually explode at their intended destinations causing serious injury and damage are under-reported in the media.

Maybe because it’s your cuddly anarchist types that are responsible and not those bushy bearded Muslamic types.

This time round when I’m flying, I may take a more belligerent approach, the 9/11 trump card doesn’t work any more.

Before or during being randomly pulled out of the line, I may well tell my would be rapist;

“Do I get to pick the screener?.. I’ll take that Guy, he has nice firm hands.”

“I feel like I should buy you dinner after this.”

“I feel like I under performed, can we go again?

“I expect a couple phone numbers after this show.”

“Sorry about the funk. The doctor says the Yeast Infection should go away within a few weeks.”

“Your mother does it much better”

“Since you are going to be feeling me up do you mind changing my diaper while you do so?”

“Careful, that’s my colostomy bag”

Or I may do it like it was done in the video above….wonder if that’s an arrestable offence?

But then again, I have the most popular name on this planet by logical rational it must appear on a few lists. I understand how all our names sound the same to whitey & that we all look the same. The last thing I want is to be on a flight to Guantanamo, Baghram or whatever hell hole is being used to torture Muslims these days.

So when my rapist tells me to squeal like a pig I may just have to grudgingly oblige.

After all, us clever Muslims are taught not to get involved with politics by the man at the masajid, (who most of the time happens to be your local councillor) so we either keep our mouths shut and bendover for whitey, or we do something about it.

The Akh is currently away, he may or may not have been raped and is currently working on a plantation, picking bananas & returns sometime in January 2012


Filed under Experiences, Great Britain, Humour, Islamophobia, My Travels, Racism, UK politics

Co-opting Dissent: The Muslim Leadership Council & The Relaunched All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia

What do the ‘Dem-Cons’ government do when they need approval from a representative Muslim body?

Easy, they create the Muslim Leadership Council, handpicking who gets to be on the body itself.

Paul Goodman over at CONservative home seems to think every single Muslim involved in the scheme is a closet Islamist.

The interesting fight of course is between the Conservative heavyweights (in every sense of the word).

In one corner we have Eric ‘chicken tikka masala’ Pickles

In the other corner we have Saeeda ‘every muslim apart from me is an extremist kaffir’ Warsi

What they are wrestling for (disgusting image if you think about it) is the soul of the Conservative right wing.

Muslims, like always, are smack bang in the middle of it all.

Last year, An All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia was formed, the secretariat of which was ENGAGE.

Zionist MP’s from across the board were spurred into action by their masters to remove Engage from their position as secretariat to the APPG on Islamophobia, and as ever, they succeeded in doing so.

Now you know the background, you’ll be able to follow my logic.

The government and it’s zionist cadre, always need a Muslim partner to act as a yes man and rubber stamp it’s actions.

Ostensibly this was the MCB (Muslim Council of Britain’s) job for many years, until Daud Abdullah decided he could no longer tolerate British political support for Israel after 2010’s ‘Cast Lead’ attack on Gaza.

He was savagedly attacked in the media for saying what the majority of the muslims in the UK think.

Since then, the MCB & MINAB and a whole bunch of Muslim Acronym groups have been given the cold shoulder.

Other government created fronts like the The Sufi Muslim Council were brilliantly exposed.

So it left the government and it’s zionist sponsored schemes for Muslims in disarray, without a Muslim yes man, how can we play our RAND created moderate V extremist, divide and rule policy?

Step up the Muslim Leadership Council.

It’s very important to understand how good the system is at co-opting dissenting voices and that most discussions within the media are often the first step for the issue to be reabsorbed into ‘the system’, investigated or committee’d to death & out of consciousness.

As I was ready to publish this, news got to me that the APPG on Islamophobia, as written about above, had been relaunched within Westminster.

Dr. Chris Allen (The Key Trends Of Islamophobia & Anti-Muslim Hate Crime) is someone who’s work I recognise in fighting Islamophobia and helping shaping policy to eradicate it.

However, even Dr. Allen wasn’t immune to being co-opted into the system, when his “Independent report to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia” was inadvertently used to remove Engage from it’s role as secretary.

As it was put to Dr. Allen, you can write intellectually impressive analyses of the subtle nuances of the meaning contained in the term Islamophobia, but when it comes to making basic political judgements in response to the actual operation of anti-Muslim bigotry in the real world, you clearly don’t have a fucking clue.

The relaunch of the group now has Khalid Mahmood MP (Labour) as co-chair.

For anyone who doesn’t know about Khalid Mahmood, he’s an absolute waste of space career politician. He’s never raised the issue of Islamophobia, he voted for the Iraq war, he’s refused to condemn Israel on several occasions and to show what a great Muslim he is, he had an affair with Elaina Cohen and claimed the hotel he used for his sleazy rendezvous on his expenses….so he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed either.

By appointing someone like Khalid Mahmood, the system has the element of control it requires and will use the token Muslim face to once again act as gate keeper and block any dissenting opinion from the Muslim community, one that Khalid Mahmood has been doing successfully in Birmingham for many a year, and one he will get to replicate at the highest level possible.

No Muslim political group or lobby (and by political I mean in the sense of defending the rights of Muslims in the UK and worldwide, yes chaps it’s foreign policy) can be created by the government.

This political group can only be created and funded by almost 3 million Muslims in the UK.

The vision, aims, strategy and tactics have to be developed by us.

The ownership has to be ours.

Sadly we hear of the 99% and the 1% all too often.

Of the 3 million Muslims in the UK, I’d say that not even 1% are defending the Muslims and the Ummah – getting politically active – to change the betterment of mankind.

Government created means government owned.

Stop funding the building of new glass chandeliers and marble floors in your Masajid, it is not a priority.

Creating the 800lb gorilla that fights politically for the rights of Muslims in the UK, (ultimately the actions taken by the politicians in the UK that effect Muslims the world over) HAS to become our number one priority.

Are you with me?


Filed under Great Britain, Islamophobia, UK politics, Zionism

Why the Muslims will fail Babar Ahmad

Free Babar Ahmad!…but can Muslims be bothered?

The Israeli’s & “The West” as a whole have a policy of leaving no man behind enemy lines, it was proved with the recent Gilad Shalit case, but Muslims don’t really care about their political prisoners who are rotting in the belly of the beast and the Babar Ahmad case may just sadly prove it.

Just to remind you again, why your small contribution of a signature for the petition is so important. Babar Ahmad was arrested in 2003, without charge and was tortured during and since his arrest. All that is being asked for is a fair trial in the UK – a basic human right which has been denied for so many years.

The yankees have requested extradition for his apparent support of ‘terrorism’. If successful, his extradition would set a precedent, meaning the yanks can shout terrorism at anyone in the UK & our government would happily hand them over to be tried in a kangaroo court. This of course could happen to anyone, a blogger like me, or perhaps even you reading this at home.

It’s not a ‘Muslim Only’ issue, Gary McKinnon is up on extradition charges, wanted by the Yanks for apparently hacking their defence network. Most “Security” laws passed since 2001 have been done so because they go against the ‘Evil’ Muslims and are passed without much uproar from the general population.

That is until those very same laws passed against the pesky muslims are used against Dave & Gary, the good ol’ English boys.

Truth is, I know how difficult it is to get Muslims to sign a petition, believe me I’ve done it for years. Even when the government wanted to pass the 42 day internment detention for Muslims, you could get hardly any muslims to sign up to voice their opposition against it. Of course these are the same Muslims who would cry when their communities are targeted by Five-O.

3 Million Muslims in the UK

100,000 signatures needed

3.333% of Muslims needed to sign the petition

As of today 42,000 people have signed

Thats less than 1.5% of Muslims in the UK.

That is shameful.

The brother Shahid has put in effort to give you the Islamic justifications (like you needed it) as to why you should sign the petition.

Play your part in helping Babar Ahmad reach his first step towards justice – sign and share the petition.


Filed under Great Britain, Islamophobia, Morals & Ethics, No Justice No Peace, UK politics

MPACUK Take on the EDL & the Police – Stop Islamophobia!

As part of their Stop Islamophobia Week campaign, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPACUK) took to the streets of the EDL’s heartland, culminating with the local police commander apologising for failing to protect two local Muslims who were hospitalised after an earlier attack by the cretinous EDL.

While Muslims stay pacified sitting in comfort in their masajids debating about the benefits of fasting in the month of Shaban, these handful of Muslims practice what Islam teaches, by standing up to their oppressor and demanding justice.

MPACUK, The Akh salutes you!

The following is taken from the MPACUK website:

Since January, the Beacontree Heath Islamic Society has been harassed by the EDL, so much so that the mosque has not been able to open for prayers.

On 18th June, two Muslim men were attacked by up to 40 EDL members resulting in one of the men having his cheekbone permanently broken.

On both occasions, the mosque has not taken any substantial action due to fear of a reaction from the EDL and the Police have only conducted the most basic of investigations and have not pursued this case the way it should have been.

MPACUK has been disgusted by the Police’s action, or rather their lack of action, and so on Saturday 9th July organised a demonstration from the mosque to Chadwell Heath Police Station to demand to know why they are not taking more effective action against extremist groups like the EDL and also how can they could justify not having enough Police officers on the ground considering that the EDL have been known to target this area over the last 6 months.

We need more action against the EDL and hold the Police to account for not doing more – join our campaign to stop Islamophobia.

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Filed under 4GW, BNP, Great Britain, Islamophobia, Racism, UK politics

Stop Islamophobia Week – Are you doing your part?

The Akh is supporting the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPACUK) in their current campaign “Stop Islamophobia Week”. I’d urge you all to take a minute and sign the petition MPACUK have created and to spread this message far and wide.

The Akh has written extensively on Islamophobia and how sections of the zionist owned right wing media promote an anti Islam/Muslim agenda, one which is picked up the politicians who are in the pay of the Israeli lobby and use their powers to legislate against you. With Rupert Murdoch’s control of the media and the political system now being made apparent to everyone, you can see how media and politics go hand in hand to work against you.

Understand that what happened to the Jewish people leading up to the second world war didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow drip poisoning of people’s minds to turn against them over a decade.

Today is the 16th anniversary of the slaughter of tens of thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica, Bosnia.

Act now, before this happens to Muslims again.

The moral imperative rests firmly on your shoulders.

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Filed under Bosnia, Great Britain, Islamophobia, UK politics

Katya Koren – The Muslim Model Stoned to Death for Violating Sharia Law – Turns Out The Daily Mail Made It All Up

It was all over the papers – Katya Koren – a beautiful Muslim Ukrainian model – was stoned to death for participating in a beauty contest & “violating the laws of Sharia,” only thing is, it was all a pack of lies.

The Daily Fail, ever hungry to criticise Muslims on any given opportunity, decided to run the story that “A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under ‘Sharia law’ after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.”

All the stereotype subtexts were there – Sharia law taking over – Muslim women should be killed for showing flesh etc all leading to the middle england Daily Mail reader fearing that some kind of nut case Islamic hordes are about to takeover their green and pleasant lands and invoke archaic rules over them all.

The Daily Mail, never wanting to let the facts get in the way of a good story, made the whole story up, they point blank lied.

The truth is that neither Katya or her alleged assailants are Muslim. In fact they were all “Christian with Russian roots”.

Bilal Gaziyev, the man who was outed as the Shariah Law promoting killer, was infact pressured by police into accepting the blame for the murder.

The true murderer was a psychologically unhinged classmate of Katya’s with Sergei Reznikov, a senior policeman involved in the case stating:

“A student did it, killing his classmate. There is no other underlying reason, neither religious nor linked with inter-ethnic conflicts”

This blatant propaganda against Islam by sections of the rabid (zionist owned) right wing press is disgusting. The constant spread of Islamophobic stories has to be monitored, reported and the “newspapers” (I use that term very loosely) have to be made accountable for the shit they are peddling as news.

The Government keep banging on with their prevent strategy, how about preventing the media from telling lies about Muslims?

or does that fly against freedom of speech and make me un-British?

We have to take a collective stand & demand that such practices by the media are stopped, otherwise people believe the hype about Muslims and it strengthens the racist right wing to fight us.

To the Daily Mail & The Mirror, you owe us an apology.


Filed under 4GW, Caucasus Region, Islamophobia, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak, Racism, Rise of the Far Right, UK politics, Western Hypocrisy

Sharon Horgan’s “Mecca Suicide Bombers” Jibe on Have I Got News For You – Joke or Insult?

BBC’s Have I Got News For You is yet again at the centre of a potential Islamophobic row, when presenter Sharon Horgan made the jibe about “The Mecca of suicide bombers….is Mecca”.

Should Muslims turn the other cheek and accept it is a light hearted, off the cuff joke?

Or is it yet another example of a publicly funded body taking the blatant piss out of one of it’s most maligned and under pressure communities?

The Akh has actually been to a recording of the show, and all the presenter does is to READ off an autocue machine, so this “joke” was pre-written by the programme’s writers – all Horgan did was read it out.

Then again, the BBC loves a bit of moral midgetry, remember that old thing called free speech?

Frankie Boyle certainly does, cracking a joke comparing Palestine to a cake being “punched to pieces by a very angry Jew” will get you rebuked.

Prejudice against Muslims has “passed the dinner-table test” and has become socially acceptable in the UK, even the Chairman of the Conservative party recognises this as a fact.

If we cannot accept bigotry in any shape of form, then why do Muslims have to learn to take a joke?


Filed under 4GW, Arts & Media, Free Speech, Islamophobia, Media Highlight of the Week, Racism

A Selective Approach to Western Justice As Butcher of Bosnia Ratko Mladic Goes to The Hague

Depending on what side of the fence you’re sitting on, you either view the arrest of Ratko Mladic with pleasure or disdain. The Akh is old enough to remember what The Butcher of Bosnia did, and when The Akh visited Bosnia & Croatia, the brutal legacy left behind by this man (and his followers in the Chetnik army) were nothing short of devilish.

For many young Muslims like myself at the time, we believed that this was yet another war against Muslims. Years later Radovan Karadzic admitted that the Serbs were engaged in a “just and holy war”, it was no rhetorical exaggeration, he and his supporters believed God was on their side, to battle against Muslims.

After the genocidal atrocities committed against the Jews in World War Two, the world collectively said “never again” would such acts happen again on European soil, so why less than 50 years later were concentration camps allowed to exist to exterminate tens of thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica?

Their aim was simply put:

“300,000 Muslims Will Die, They Will Disappear From The Face of This Earth”

Governments the world over want to know what it is that radicalises Muslims, all we had to do was turn on the TV and see for ourselves what the result of your political inabilities had resulted in – the slaughter and rape of Muslims, less than a three hour flight from London.

While the media talk about the great justice system we have, The Akh has to point out the hypocrisy and double standards being shown.

Ratko Mladic is known to be the General of the Serb forces that carried out these atrocities and yet he is captured peacefully and bought to trial, being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in the the former Yugoslavian block.

Yet Osama Bin Laden, is executed, for apparently being behind the 9/11 attacks for which no proof has ever been presented, proof on which a legal case can be built and a prosecution built upon.

Western journalists and media have been sitting on the fence for so long now that they have splinters up their backside.

This selective approach on when and where the law should be applied does nothing but create friction and adds fuel to the fire that many Muslims believe –

There is a war against Islam.

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Filed under Bosnia, Foreign Policy, Islamophobia, No Justice No Peace, War Crimes