Tag Archives: Boycott Divestment Sanctions

Show Israel the Red Card – Kick Israeli racism out of UEFA!

Show Israel the red card banner

Last night, I attended the England V Romania U21 Football match & as I neared the stadium, I saw the above banner unequivocally stating to “kick Israeli racism out of UEFA!”

After stopping and speaking to the chaps stood out in the freezing rain – handing out leaflets and stating their position – I was pleasantly surprised to see that this grass roots movement is beginning to take hold within the public conciousness.

One of my fellow bloggers – http://abdelxyz.wordpress.com – (who you should be following!) has been writing on this issue for some time now:

More than twenty years after the spectre of apartheid was finally ended in South Africa, the very same system of state-sanctioned discrimination is alive and well in Israel today.

The Apartheid State of Israel discriminates against Palestinians in every walk of life, including sport.

The world of sport cannot be divorced from other aspects of life and the standards deemed acceptable by sporting bodies, sends very powerful signals to the public.

Since Israel was announced as host there have been a number of calls to boycott the tournament or for UEFA President Michel Platini to reverse his decision.

One well-known petition is organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

In the text of the petition it reminds Platini that “Hosting an international sporting competition is an honour. However, there is nothing honourable about the actions of Israel towards the Palestinian people. Your damaging decision sends the message that UEFA has no issue with the illegal and discriminatory treatment of Israel towards the Palestinian people.”

Perhaps Platini granted Israel the opportunity because Israel is a benevolent host – just ask the Ethiopian Jews who live there.

Ethiopian women were ‘kindly’ administered birth control shots without their knowledge

Prominent Israeli politicians join street demonstrations shouting ‘Blacks out’ and refer to Blacks in Israel as ‘cancers’ and ‘infiltrators’.

You all know that the leader of the free world, Barack Obama has gone to Israel to re-affirm his loyalty to the terrorist state (what do you think the millions of shekels in campaign donations buy?) THAT speech in Cairo seems like an awfully long time ago.

The Palestinian people are patient, but the patience is beginning to wear thin, the following a message pinned to a tent, on the ruins of a house bombed by the Israeli’s in one of their all too frequent attacks:

Obama Apartheid

And you know all too well what happens to the Palestinian Ghandi’s who protest peacefully:

i have a dream

“I have a dream” – not if you’re in the only democracy in the Middle East!

Remember to play your part – The world must rise against Israeli apartheid give zionism the red card!

kick israeli racism out of uefa


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Football, Palestine, Wycombe Watch

Justice for the 96! Hillsborough & exposing British police corruption!

It’s taken 23 long hard years for the families of the 96 that died at Hillsborough to get a glimpse of justice, 23 long years of successive British governments lying and colluding with a corrupt police force and media, finally yesterday the truth was revealed and the mass cover up exposed.

A couple of years ago I blogged on the ongoing “Justice for the 96” campaign started by Liverpool Football Club supporters and how Rupert Murdoch’s The Scum newspaper deliberately lied and how that web of lies was upheld by one of Murdoch’s key lieutenants – Kelvin McKenzie.

Today’s front page of The Scum newspaper sadly doesn’t look like the one above, in reality it looks like:

The carefully choreographed words of “deeply ashamed and profoundly sorry” were said by the Prime Minister David Cameron, The Scum editor Dominic Mohan and Norman Bettison Chief Constable of West Yorkshire police.

It’s been proved that there certainly was a conspiracy to ensure that the truth of Hillsborough would be covered up, my original post came well before Rupert Murdoch was shown to have the British political elite in his back pocket.

It’s no conspiracy theory that the “King-Maker” role played by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch owned media has supported successive Labour-Conservative governments in recent decades.

It’s no conspiracy theory to state that Rupert Murdoch has a pervasive and damaging effect on British democracy through his ownership of printed & television media channels.

If it’s not Rupert Murdoch, then it’s his zionist cohort Richard “the pornographer” Desmond who also has an equally troubling choke hold on British mainstream media.

Once in control of the media, the ideological warfare begins. This shows how the right wing zionist media owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch & Richard Desmond promote the hatred of Muslims and Islam to sell newspapers.

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that Sean Hoare the News Of The World whistle blower was murdered because he knew too much?

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that our British government is the true enemy of free speech and a well and truly free press that is free to criticise?

Hell….you can have a plethora of sex channels on British television, you can even have a gay sex channel on British television and that’s no problem for David Cameron’s media regulator, OFCOM.

You can be Rupert Murdoch at the head of a media corporation which stands accused of rampaging through practically every law in the book and yet you are deemed to be a fit and proper person to operate a television station in London.

But report anything that contravenes the pro war actions of the government run media and there’s hell to pay!

When it comes to events such as Hillsborough, the London Tube bombings, the Lockerbie bombing can we trust the police and justice system?

The Independent newspaper stated the explosives used in the 7/7 bombs ‘was of military origin’

A former Scottish police chief, gave lawyers a signed statement stating that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

‘The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.’

Mark Duggan, the Tottenham man who was executed by the police, who’s murder sparked last year’s riots was said to have had a gun, there have been multiple claims against the police during the IPCC investigation for planting a gun at the scene to cover up for their own crime.

In a world that has been flooded by news, there is usually nothing that rises far above the smouldering lava of sensation — that which consumes all truth and absorbs all lies mixing them into a fiery lake or stew of bubbling nonsense. So much so, that to discover glanced over facts, to question people of importance within government or the machine itself leads to the branding of one as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Not all people who doubt the official version of the story are raving lunatics.

Some, like myself, have an honest distrust of their own government.

This is the legacy left by lying politicians and an untrustworthy media machine.

Always question.


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Football, Great Britain, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak, Police State, UK politics

Khader Adnan – Exposing What Israeli “Administrative Detention” Really Means

Father of Khader Adnan campaigning for his sons release

Khader Adnan has been on hunger strike for 66 days against his “administrative detention” by Israel without charge or trial. His fight for the rights of Palestinian political prisoners has garnered mass support from Amnesty International stating “Israeli authorities have revealed no evidence justifying his continued detention.”

The online campaign via Twitter using the hashtag #HungerStrikingfor65days was the strongest hashtag yet, tens of thousands tweeted using that hashtag and it remained the #1 globally trending topic. Social media has got millions of people to pay attention to Khader Adnan’s case online.

For as long as I can remember, The West & Israel have continually stated the Palestinians should forego any means of armed resistance for “non violent” peaceful demonstration.

Many have continually asked where the Palestinian Ghandhi’s are?

With armed resistance against Israel at an all time low, despite continual bombings and assassinations carried out with impunity by israeli death squads, Palestinians have not reacted in any forceful manner.

This israeli policy of “administrative detention” is no different to the internment policy used by the apartheid era South African government. Khader Adnan is one case, but israel holds men, women and children in prison. Many, like Khader, have no charges made against them and are imprisoned on an indefinite basis.

No due process, no habeas corpus, no justice, a crime in itself from the self styled “Only democracy in the Middle East”.

Recently I’ve been re-reading Joe Sacco’s Palestine a moving comic/graphic novel that captures the issues of Palestine in a very simple and yet compelling manner. I’d go as far as to say that if you know someone who knows absolutely nothing about Palestine, give them this book to read and you’ll have a Pro-Palestine advocate on your hands.

There was a chapter in the book titled “The tough & the dead” which I’ve embedded below. This is what typically happens to the people that israel puts through it’s indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial, that it gives the innocuous sounding term “administrative detention”.

It is wholly relevant to what our political prisoners like Khader Adnan are put through:

To view in fullscreen click here

I am updating the blog on a regular weekly basis and would like to thank my regular readers for their patience over my haphazard output recently. If you wish to engage with me on a daily basis, the please follow me on twitter @HotterThanCurry


Filed under 4GW, Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Morals & Ethics, Palestine, Racism, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Zionism

Anders Behring Breivik, Zionism, Oslo bombings, Utoya shootings & Israel

Don’t expect the mass media to link Anders Behring Breivik, his admission to being a zionist supporting Israel and his love of right wing racists the EDL & SIOE. The media have pathetically done everything they can to make it look like the Muslims carried out this attack – Rupert Murdochs The Scum newspaper ran this as Saturday mornings frontpage (via themuslimanarchist).

The Akh will break it down for you.

In January 2011, Jonas Gahr Stoere, Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said Norway will be a leading country in recognising the Palestinian state once the Palestinian institutions are set up.

March 2011 -“the junior partner in the Norwegian government, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen, (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), plans to vote on a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against Hamas in Gaza.”

Days before the shootings at Utoya, campaigners voiced their opinions to their political leaders that Norway should boycott Israel.

It has been reported that the Oslo Police conducted a bombing exercise days before the Oslo Blast.

On the evening of the 21 July 2011, TV2 in Norway had a short segment reporting on uniformed men, with black uniforms and automatic weapons, sweeping the exact surroundings of the building hit in the bombing.

Yet we’re told that Anders Behring Breivik acted alone.

An eye witness, Emilie Bersaas, 19, said: “The shooting came from all different directions.”

The Norway attacks were carried out by a well organised team.

What sort of people want to change Norway?

The sort of people who wrote this: “Why Israel’s Struggle Is Our Struggle, Too”

We know that Israel’s Mossad ran an operation called the “Kilowatt Group”

This is a ‘loose informal and practice oriented’ network of secret services including the NATO-countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel and South Africa.

It was created in the early seventies on Israeli initiative with the declared aim to combat terrorism.

Anders Behring Breivik is the suspect held in connection with the 22 July 2011 attacks in Norway.

He describes himself as being a Zionist and a freemason

He was known to be active on the internet, expressing extremist Islamophobic views on forums and criticizing immigration policies.

The people making use of Breivik are probably the same sort of people who were involved in Operation Gladio terrorism in Italy – the organisation known as P2.

In Italy, the P2 masonic lodge connected various groups belonging to the Deep State.

The Deep State “is a parallel secret government, organised by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military.

In March 1981, the Italian police found a list of the 962 members of P2, which contained the names of:

3 government ministers and 43 members of parliament,

43 generals and 8 admirals,

Secret service chiefs and police commanders

Top bureaucrats and diplomats, industrialists, financiers, journalists and TV personalities.

Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P2’s Grand Master, was allied to Mossad and involved in Operation Gladio.

The CIA-NATO’s Operation Gladio carried out acts of terrorism such as the 1980 Bologna Bombing.

For background reading I suggest you get familiar with Operation Gladio.

Credit for cartoon: macleodcartoons.blogspot.com


Filed under 4GW, Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Creating The Terror Threat, Islamophobia, Israel, Military Industrial Complex, Rise of the Far Right, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy, Zionism

Macy Gray Loving Apartheid Israel

Looks like Macy Gray needs the izzy shekels real bad, the irony of her going out to perform in the racist apartheid state with Martin Luther King day just last week isn’t lost on me…one group of people deny the other any semblance of the rights and privileges they enjoy themselves, whilst brutally suppressing and murdering any resistance.

This is what she had to say via her facebook page:

“I’m booked for 2 shows in TelAviv. I’m getting alot of letters from activists urging/begging me to boycott by NOT performing in protest of Apartheid against the Palestinians. What the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinians is disgusting, but I wana go. I gotta lotta fans there I dont want to cancel on and I dont know how my NOT going changes anything. What do you think? Stay or go?”

Which translates as:

I was contacted about playing a show in Israel, which is obviously hard up for foreign performers. Then I was informed that I shouldn’t play a show there, because Israel is an apartheid state. But this is not 1999… This crack doesn’t pay for itself.

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Filed under Arts & Media, Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Israel, Morals & Ethics, Zionism

Israel Demolishes The Shepherds Hotel As Illegal Land Grab Continues

Israel has demolished the Shepherds Hotel, in their latest illegal land grabbing venture.

Apparently the demolition of the East Jerusalem hotel, “threatens” peace talks.

What peace talks?

When will western governments invoke sanctions for the illegal building of occupier settlements?

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Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Israel, Palestine, UK General Election 2010, Zionism

No Freedom of Speech As Israeli Lobby Shoots Down Bus Poster Campaign Highlighting War Crimes

The Israeli lobby shot down the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign “Israel war crimes, your tax dollars at work” – billboards that were to be posted on the sides of buses in the Seattle area.

Israel is off limits when it comes to matters concerning freedom of speech.

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Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Free Speech, Israel, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Western Hypocrisy, Zionism

Israeli War Crimes – Your Tax Dollars At Work – Bus Poster Campaign Launched

Under Israeli military occupation, millions of Palestinians live in conditions which closely resemble the apartheid system that existed in South Africa.

On December 27 – the second anniversary of Israel’s three-week assault on Gaza – activists in Seattle, USA are launching a Metro bus ad campaign to expose the use of U.S. taxpayers’ money to support Israel’s ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people.

The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign is launching the advertising campaign aimed at securing equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis, as well as an end to United States military aid to Israel, which continues at a time of economic crisis and severe budget cuts that have resulted in massive unemployment.

Such a simple and effective campaign is not beyond our remit to keep the issue of Palestine at the foremost in people’s minds. Just $1800 is what this campaign cost these activists to run their campaign for four weeks.

Unfortunately we’ve only been taught to give money when the bombs are falling on the heads of the elderly, men, women and children.

Is $1800 a price worth paying to see change?

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Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Israel, Palestine, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Zionism

More Israelis Die From Peanut Allergies Than Hamas Rockets

More Israelis die from peanut allergies than Hamas rockets. These adverts used in the USA and around the world use computer generated animation (CGI) to create false images that Israel uses in its never ending propaganda (hasbara) war.

It has never been anti-semitic to question the political policies of any sovereign government. So when we question the policies of Israel and more directly the illegal FUNDING of Israel through insidious western products and Freebie financial handouts from foreign Governments, why are we hit with the “anti-semitic” tag?

Given that most Israelis are atheists and Israel now has more gay bars and brothels than synagogues, I sadly fail to see how Israel has the gall to reference it as the “holy land”.

Stop Funding Israel!

For more information, on what YOU buy may be used to finance Israel’s murderous and oppressive activities, please visit the stop funding israel website.


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Israel, Palestine, Racism, Resistance By All Means Necessary

It Was 21 Years Ago Today…..

On the 19th of April 1989, 96 Liverpool supporters lost their lives at Hillsborough, Kelvin MacKenzie (editor) and The Sun The Scum newspaper printed the following headline:

“The Truth.
Some fans picked pockets of victims
Some fans urinated on the brave cops
Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life.”

While families of the bereaved and survivors of the disaster were still coming to terms with what happened four days earlier, they were hit with another blow, they were being blamed for killing their own.

It was all of course a pack of lies, printed for the sole reason of selling more papers.

Evidently, with a 21 year-strong boycott of the newspaper on Merseyside, it has had the opposite effect. Here’s McKenzie on a recent episode of Question Time still defending his position.

Despite thinly veiled-so called ’apologies’ from the rag many years after MacKenzie had left, the boycott has stood strong and has been justified after the following quote from him:

“I only apologised because Rupert Murdoch told me to.
I wasn’t sorry then and I’m not sorry now because we told the truth.”

Although the boycott is strong, there are still a number of Liverpool supporters who still buy The Sun, hopefully this website will go some way in educating them.

The Akh would advise all people, regardless of what football club they support to seriously consider purchasing the scum, or any of its zionist owned titles, and I’ll give you not one but twenty reasons why, courtesy of the pressure group, “Don’t Buy The Sun”.

Last year Culture Secretary Andy Burnham was booed at Anfield as he spoke in front of the thousands of people who gathered to mark the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster.

Sections of the crowd chanted and booed when he mentioned the Government’s response to the tragedy.

Many in Merseyside are still angry that no one has been held responsible for the deaths of 96 Liverpool supporters died in the crush at Sheffield Wednesday’s Hillsborough Stadium.

More proof that sheer pressure through the boycott, divestment and sanctions do work….are you listening Israel?


Filed under Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Football, Great Britain, Media Unspeak