Tag Archives: Iran

Daily Mail & Israel “Strike against Islam”

A Freudian slip by the Daily Mail for their masters in Tel Aviv? or simply yet another example of the Daily Fail at work?

Of course they realised their “mistake” and “UPDATED: 09:38, 29 October 2012” the headline to:

A war promoted by a war hungry zionist media

Still don’t believe it’s a war against Islam?

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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Iran, Islamophobia, Media Ownership & Control, Zionism

Think Tank Henry Jackson Society Promotes Iran War To Parliament

The Henry Jackson Societies attempt to build a pro war consensus against Iran gathered further pace last week, as they pitched their case of “what it takes to prevent a nuclear Iran” to a packed committee chamber in Parliament.

As we showed in a damning expose last week, penned by Alan Mendoza, a former Co-Director of The Henry Jackson Society (HJS) In a damning indictment, Mendoza stated that the HJS are an:

“abrasively right-wing forum with an anti-Muslim tinge, churning out polemical and superficial pieces by aspiring journalists and pundits that pander to a narrow readership of extreme Europhobic British Tories, hardline US Republicans and Israeli Likudniks…..provides an insight into the obscure backstage world of Conservative politics”

HJS are a Zionist, Neo-Conservative front that are lobbying intensively at the heart of our Government to manufacture consent for an attack on Iran.

A recent study released by the Political Studies Association at the University of Durham titled “Thinking ahead : David Cameron, the Henry Jackson Society and the British Neoconservatives” makes for some very shocking reading to the uninitiated, on matters of Foreign Policy and International Relations.

The “expert talking head” the HJS bought into Parliament to effectively sell war to our politicians was one Michael Makovsky, Foreign Policy Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a right wing, pro war, Neo-Con, American think tank.

Michael Makovsky is himself an interesting character, between 2002-2006, Makovsky served as a special assistant for Iraqi energy policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defence and is a founder and president of MSM Consulting LLC, an energy and political risk consulting firm for various investment firms, focusing on markets and hedging strategies for oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power.

Makovsky also authored “Churchill’s Promised Land” exploring Winston Churchill’s relationship with Zionism.

So what you have is a staunch zionist, that definitely stands to gain ideologically with Iran’s destruction and possibly earning a few bucks by hedging investments on behalf of his clients on the world oil bourse.

Sadly our Parliamentarians are either too stupid or are complicit with this scheme, the picture above was gleefully tweeted by HJS staffer Ray Kassam shows a packed parliamentary committee room listening to the lies being spun:

Just in case our Oxbridge educated political elite have forgotten about the lies and spin that led to the illegal invasion and subsequent murder of over a million innocent Iraqi’s, let’s just remind them of a few facts.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) just released its most recent report GOV/2012/37 30 August 2012on the state of Iran’s nuclear program.

As usual this report is used to hype up the “nuclear Iran” scare.

Rupert Murdoch’s The Times was busily reporting that Iran is stockpiling weapons grade uranium a claim which is so completely false as even its own report below that headline states:

The Israeli diplomat said that Iran was in the process of doubling its capacity at Fordow to about 1,500 centrifuges, increasing the amount of 20 per cent-enriched uranium it could produce. Uranium enriched to 20 per cent fuels Iran’s main research reactor, but it is also just below the level usable in nuclear bombs.”

Not only is any Uranium Iran has below weapons grade but, according to the new IAEA report, “Iran has today less enriched Uranium that could quickly be converted into a nuclear weapon than it had in May 2012”, the time of the IAEA’s last report GOV/2012/23 – dated 25 May 2012 on the issue.

In an unprecedented visit to Israel, Sir John Sawyers, head of Mi6, urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to give the go-ahead to plans to bomb Iran. Britain may well be opposed to taking decisive military action on Iran right now, but with the likes of the HJS beating the drums of war to our Politicians, it makes the likelihood of an escalation of hostilities far more likely.

Recently Sir Nick Harvey the Lib Dem MP was removed from his post in the Ministry of Defence. The former Armed Forces Minister, told friends that he was fired in the reshuffle to allow Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to sign Britain up to an Israeli-US preventive strike to take out Iran’s nuclear installations.

Was Harvey sacked just so he wouldn’t embarrasse the Government by being too critical of Israel’s actions if he had still been in the key Ministry of Defence post?

The row broke as sources confirmed that the US has asked Britain to provide frigates to patrol the Straits of Hormuz, where an Armada of international naval power is massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. That’s quite a manoeuvre to pull off, while the rest of the world is distracted by a video no one ever really saw, cruisers, aircraft carriers and minesweepers from 25 nations have converged onto the Persian Gulf.

On the whole, the “nuclear Iran” scare has little to do with reality and everything to do with the Israeli, American and British desire to subjugate Iran and thereby further their global and regional domination. As was proved in the run upto the Iraq invasion, we cannot expect to read about the reality of Iran when the consensus is dictated by Israeli pro war hawks, to our imbecilic politicians or even in the majority of the western propaganda media channels.

The Neo-Con/Zionist axis of evil promotes wars that have absolutely nothing to do with Britain or the British people. Merchants of hate like the HJS piggy back onto Iran to simply promote their own agenda. They are not interested in the oft quoted “Freedom & Democracy”, peace or the idea that Western civilisation is far more advanced than the rest of the world.

The HJS operate as a “Fifth Column” in Britain, with every single conflict and war that they promote requiring the death of British troops and our taxes to fight their wars. It gives their special interest groups that fund their think tank activities, billions of dollars in extra profits received from servicing the war industry.

You can read further on the Henry Jackson Society in one my recent articles:

Raheem J Kassam – Another “Muslim” house slave for the Neo Cons & Right Wing Tories

As well as the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK taking apart another HJS affiliate, in an article titled:

“Where’s Rupert Sutton’s head at?”


Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Great Britain, House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East, Reports & Findings, Think Tanks, UK politics, Zionism

Who’s the terrorist? – In 1988 US Navy blew up Iran Air flight leaving 290 dead

On July 3 1988, the US navy, courtesy of the USS Vincennes, targeted Iran Air flight 655 with a missile, blowing the passenger plane out of the sky, killing all 290 people on board.

Vice-President at the time, George H.W. Bush was quoted in Newsweek saying:

“I’ll never apologize for the United States of America. Ever. I don’t care what the facts are.”

So who are the real terrorists?

You all remember Lockerbie? Megrahi & the American hypocrisy surrounding that case?

That Libya were providing safe haven for terrorists.

Did anyone ever draw the same conclusion, that America shooting down a passenger jet, while trespassing into Iranian waters and refusing to apologise for it, had committed a deliberate act of war?

No one talks about Iran Air Flight 655, because Muslim blood is cheap and plentiful.

Still think we hate you for your freedom and democracy?

Bare hypocrisy.

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Filed under Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Iran, Terrorism, War Crimes

The Bullshit Iranian assassination plot against the Saudi ambassador

The bullshit Iranian assassination plot against the Saudi ambassador, a plot created by the Israeli’s to be executed by (US created) narco traffickers in Washington, with hundreds of dead freedom loving american patriots as collateral damage.

Can you smell the manure?

Being the sucker for punishment that I am, I’ve just finished watching newsnight where the BBC propaganda team allowed some pretty ludicrous claims by James Rubin (zionist) & an American stooge Iranian dissident to lay the groundwork as to why America and every single country in the world should go and bomb the shit out of Iran.

Lets be real the zionists are masters at getting goy to kill goy – so lets get the Americans who are butt buddies with the Saudi’s & every single other repressive, totalitarian regime in the Middle East to go kill the evil Iranians.

Hell, the Sunni ruled Arab Middle East wouldn’t have a problem with killing a million Muslim Shia, the rulers, not the people of course.

You can imagine the Saud king’s media right now looping the cleverly crafted speeches & evidence from the americans to kill Adel al-Jubeir, the saudi ambassador.

Right now I can’t believe that there’s no scepticism being expressed in the media. All the sheep are dancing to the same marching drum.

Remember the smoking guns that acted as triggers before for illegal invasions?

Yellow cake, aluminium tubes, 45 minutes…..WMD’s

So let’s just get this clear, of all the places in the world where Iran could kill a Saudi diplomat, it would choose Washington, DC, obviously. A place which is a nice cushy target, where there’s no security and one can just fly in and do a nice clean wet job.

Instead the fiendishly clever Iranian revolutionary guards (a bit like the oh so feared & nightmare inducing revolutionary guards of Saddam Hussein…that didn’t exist) they took a leaf out of the yankee handbook and outsourced it to a couple of local Iranian-Americans Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri and told them to get on with it.

Because when you need such a job done, that’s what you do, lurk around telephone booths calling the cards that have been left in there, hoping you might just get the bloody A Team to do the job for you.

So this gun for hire goes to Mexico and links up with a Mexican narco trafficker and asks him for an assassin, because they’ve got plenty of them lying around, who can sneak across the border and do the hit.

Then again, if I wanted Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador dead, I would have poisoned the ferrero rocher at his reception, no, stop, ambassador you’re really spoiling us…. or failing that, knowing how the Saud’s love themselves some young filipino & bangladeshi boys I’m sure a “sex game gone wrong” type of set up could have been put in motion.

If your intelligence has not been insulted, then you really are a dumb piece of shit.

Leave your contact details below as I have some magic beans that I want to sell you.

It’s ridiculous and this entire absurd scenario has to be dismissed for the lunacy that it is.

Are they really assuming that the public and the world is that dumb?

The bigger the lie, the more they believe.

Go read my lengthy posts on “creating the terror threat” to help you understand how the entire game is played.

This scheme is no more crazier than the ones dreamt up by the FBI.

A typical infiltration scheme works like this.

They will plant someone in a mosque and that individual will find and groom the most dissatisfied & crazy attendee of the masajid (not hard to do, I’m perfectly qualified for this role, get in touch shit heads, seriously, what you are waiting for?) and then offer him a terrorist scheme to kill the kuffar and get into heaven quick. Which is why the FBI have been found to organize almost all the known terror plots in the US.

When the patsy agrees to do it – The Portland Christmas Tree Bomber – How The FBI Created, Trained & Supplied “An Islamic Terrorist” – you’ll get a press conference with all the bells and whistles, announcing to the world how america’s finest have just averted the worlds biggest terrorist plot.

If you can’t smell a big, fat, lying dirty zionist rat behind this scheme to force the saudi’s or america to fight a war on it’s behalf, then there is no hope for you. Go stick your head in the oven now.

Oh and it’s coming up to re-election time for Obama, America loves a war president, and the rapist, murderer in charge of shit is desperate to be re-elected.

Get it yet?


Filed under 4GW, Creating The Terror Threat, Foreign Policy, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Obama, Terrorism, Western Hypocrisy

Superman renounces his U.S. citizenship, thanks to America’s foreign policy!

Superman has renounced his American citizenship and he blames the Israeli influence on U.S. foreign policy as the prime reason for his action.

The Akh stopped reading comics graphic novels a while back, but now and again there’s a story that gets me intrigued. Tipped off by one my “stans” to the machinations of Action Comics issue 900, which sees Superman renounce his American citizenship.

Now I know what you’re thinking, what do comics….dammit….graphic novels have to do with anything?

Well for one, they shape public opinion, and when that is of a cultural icon that is as American as cinnamon & apple pie itself, then perhaps we need to understand that the popular groundswell of public opinion within America itself is turning against it’s pro Israeli influenced government.

So let me break it down for you, despite very literally being an alien immigrant (like the yanks love to call them) Superman has long been seen as an emblem of American patriotism, a symbol of “truth, justice, and the American way”.

The symbolic resonance has always been there, from his embrace of traditional American ideals to the iconic red and blue of his costume.

However, what it means to stand for the “American way” is an increasingly complicated thing, both in the real world and in superhero comics, whose storylines have increasingly seemed to mirror current events and deal with moral and political complexities rather than simple black and white morality.

I’ll let you read the issue for yourself, simply click to enlarge and read, commentary continues below;



So what we had was Superman consulting with the President’s national security advisor, who is incensed that Superman appeared in Tehran to non-violently support the protesters demonstrating against the Iranian regime, no doubt an analogue for the recent real-life protests in the Middle East.

The only bit of hokum there, is that it is Iran and not Egypt.

Superman replies that it was foolish to think that his actions would not reflect politically on the American government, and that he therefore plans to renounce his American citizenship at the United Nations the next day – because the American government do not want him to be on the side of the people, against the leaders installed to do America (read Israel) bidding.

It wasn’t that long ago that Batman had a new Muslim recruit to help him fight crime. Then again, you can always meet Captain Israel, ethnic cleanser, murderer, hero for the politically indoctrinated zionists.

The Akh has been saying it for years, and now even Superman himself agrees, it is America’s foreign policy, aided, abetted and influenced by Israel that is the cause for so much torturous woe across the world.

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Filed under 4GW, Arts & Media, Foreign Policy, Iran, Israel, Middle East

BBC Panorama’s Jane Corbin’s husband is John Cradock Maples, former MP & President of the Conservative Friends of Israel

I was watching last night’s BBC Panorama titled “Living with the Ayatollah”, where presenter Jane Corbin produced a piece of propaganda that was anti Iran & Press TV from the get go.

I’ve written extensively about Panorama’s programming and as you can see, their is now a track record of biased, one sided propaganda on the part of the BBC, so much for a public broadcaster that prides itself on it’s investigative journalism and even handed approach.

In August 2010, Jane Corbin was the presenter and interviewer for “Death in the Med”, a program that whitewashed the Israel attack and killing on the MV Marmara. This program drew much criticism for its propagandistic nature and for its duplicitous and dishonest way of dealing with the interviewees, namely Ken O’Keefe.

Is seems to be the exclusive remit of Jane Corbin to have an anti-Muslim tint to everything she says.

One cannot help but wonder if Jane Corbin’s husband, John Cradock Maples, now Lord Maples, is a former member of parliament, who was one of the 50 top influential right wingers in the country and served as the president of Conservative Friends of Israel.

Has Lord Maples and his Israeli affiliations brought any pressure to bear on how his wife approaches the making of publicly funded, yet appallingly unbalanced, BBC documentaries?


Filed under Documentary, Iran, Islamophobia, Media Ownership & Control, Media Unspeak

Saudi Arabia Invades Bahrain, Expect Sunni V Shia Angle To Be Played Out In The Media

The House of Frauds in Arabia have decided to help out their fellow despot leaders in Bahrain by sending their (made in America) army, as a “response to the security threat”, which is no different to what Gaddafi is doing, hiring foreign mercenaries to crush the opposition.

The house of frauds intervention comes two days after US Defence Secretary Robert Gates visited Manama and held talks with King Hamada bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Bahrain’s opposition said it considered any foreign military intervention to be an occupation:

“We consider the arrival of any soldier, or military vehicle, into Bahraini territory…. an overt occupation of the kingdom of Bahrain and a conspiracy against the unarmed people of Bahrain”

It called on the international community to act to ensure the:

“protection of the people of Bahrain from the danger of foreign military intervention

While the spineless gulf bloc that is allied with the fraudis will continue to keep their heads buried in the sand, bribing people with $37 Billion (of their own money) not to protest and then took the carrot and stick approach further by threatening to cut off the hands of the people who decided to take to the streets to protest on the day of rage.

The Fraudi’s put their finest security forces out on the streets to deter people from protesting. A bunch of fat guys whose only specialist skill seems to be using a toothpick to get bits of shwarma out of their teeth.

There is no Islamic justification for any of these actions by the rulers, other than to save their own bacon, more proof that that the Saudi scholars will give the king a fatwa for anything, even if he asked for a pig’s heart to prolong his life.

It’s clear to The Akh that Saudi’s Islamic scholars have too close a relationship with unrighteous rulers, and at the risk of upsetting their kings and getting their head’s chopped off they support whatever is asked of them.

The American allied bloc in the Middle-East will now begin to spin the story that the opposition in Bahrain (having a sizeable Shia population) is being orchestrated by Iran. This Sunni V Shia angle will get louder in the coming days, with most stupid, ignorant Muslims flying the schism flag without realising that Israel has been asking the Americans to bomb Iran for years now.

The house of frauds have no problem in seeing their fellow Muslims butchered, which is why they would allow Israeli jets to fly over Arabian airspace to bomb Iran.

Quite sickening isn’t it?

The bandit mentality of the sauds is quite clearly still in effect, aided and abetted by it’s american/israeli sponsors.


Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Foreign Policy, Iran, Middle East

Iran Wipe The Floor With Israel…In Chess

I guess this is what the Israeli’s feared all along, that Iran would wipe them off the face of the chess playing world.

Iran’s grandmaster of chess, 28-year-old Ehsan Ghaem Maghami, broke the Guinness world record for simultaneous games yesterday in Tehran. Maghami faced 614 opponents in just over 25 hours — winning 590, or 96 percent of the games. He also paced around the tables for a total of 34 miles.

If approved by the World Chess Federation, Maghami would unseat the former champ, Israeli Alik Gershon, who in October had overtaken another Iranian chess player for the Guinness record. After the marathon day of chess games, Maghami told reporters:

“Iran is great and deserves the best. Let’s not talk politics… even if this record was held by another person, I would have gone all out to break it.”

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Filed under Current Affairs, Iran

Queen Wears Hijab On Abu Dhabi Visit – Shift In Foreign Policy Or Desperation To Sell Weapon Contracts?

The Queen decked out in a hijab visited the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi yesterday.

The 84-year-old queen adjusted the scarf worn over her white hat as she made her way into the prayer hall where, at the door, she was escorted to a covered corner to remove her shoes – a tradition followed by Muslims upon their entrance to mosques.

Inside the mosque, which opened in 2007, the queen listened to children reciting the Koran.

“This visit by the Head of the Church of England to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is reflective of the multi-faith dialogue and tolerance that is common to both the UAE and UK,” the British embassy said.

“There is a very deep friendship between Her Majesty and the ruling families here.

The relation we have now is based on a common perception of our political interests, a shared analysis of threats and very close business and investment links between our two countries.

This visit is about looking into the future.”

British ambassador Dominic Jermey.

No sooner had that been said, the Gulf’s flag-carrier Qatar Airways were mulling over a new order for more A380 superjumbo jets.

The Telegraph reported on Foreign Secretary William Hague’s decision to reach out to Gulf states in an effort to secure better diplomatic and trade ties meant Britain had to “take on board” Arab foreign policy goals.

Requesting better ties would be a two-way street, not just plea for more defence contracts and exports, they said.

“It will be a six lane highway with movement in both directions,” said one diplomat. “We have to respond to what Gulf States want. If we want a long-term partnership on foreign policy, then changes in our stance have to be part of it.”

But the visit has taken on a more significant, and unusually political context both with the change of government in Britain and increasing tensions with Iran a short distance away on the other side of the Gulf.

Mr Hague set improving relations with the Gulf and India as his first policy goals, and both David Cameron, the prime minister, and Liam Fox, the defence secretary, visited Abu Dhabi within a month of taking office.

That may mean yet further withdrawal of traditional British support for Israel, with criticism of its government already more marked under Mr Hague than it was under New Labour government.

In another indication of the Foreign Office’s new sensitivity to Arab opinion, officials admitted to The Daily Telegraph that policies on the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006, Israel’s invasion of Gaza in 2008-9, and its occupation of the West Bank and settlements policy were “motivators” for the Islamic radicalism that they confronted daily in the Gulf.

The Israeli’s were not pleased to hear this news.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, 4GW, Great Britain, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Media Unspeak, UK politics

Have Israel turned Fidel Castro?

The Akh would like to know how “El Jefe” went from saying:

“The State of Israel’s hatred towards the Palestinians is such that it would not hesitate to send 1.5 million men, women and children to the crematoriums in which millions of Jews of all ages were killed, the swastika would seem to be the flag of Israel today”


“I don’t think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews. I would say much more than the Muslims. They have been slandered much more than the Muslims because they are blamed and slandered for everything. No one blames the Muslims for anything.”

Fidel to Ahmadinejad: ‘Stop Slandering the Jews’

Have the zionists done what America has failed to do in all these years and turn Fidel Castro?


Filed under Iran, The Holocaust Industry, Zionism