Monthly Archives: January 2011

There is NO “Radical Islamist” Muslim Brotherhood Takeover in Egypt #Egypt #Jan25

The zionist inspired narrative since Friday night has been that the popular revolt against the Mubarak regime in Egypt has been orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood or some other spectral radical or Islamist group.

The truth is that the Muslim Brotherhood refused to initially support the anti-Mubarak movement, instructing their members not to join street protests.

The zionist lobby in all its shapes and forms, from politicians, media analysts and commentators have been falling over themselves to decry that a “Khomeni” style Islamist regime is poised to take over Egypt.

The worry for the Israelis is that it’s chief ally in the region, Jordan, is in itself in a precarious state and that a successful overthrow in Egypt could spread there.

The zionists persecution complex dictates that if (and it’s a big if) the ineffectual Muslim Brotherhood gain power in Egypt it would likely mean not only a stronger Hamas in Gaza but also in the West Bank, currently run by the zionist sponsored Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, as well as in Jordan, meaning Israel would feel surrounded in a way it has not in decades.

Let’s stay sane for just a second, CNN’s Egypt correspondent Ben Wedeman nailed it on the head, with a simple tweet, there is no Islamist threat, so move on from this lame conspiracy theory.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Israel, Media Unspeak, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Zionism

Meet Kenny Powers – A Real American Hero

Kenny Powers is an all American baseball hero.

This is how not to enter the field of play.

Can American’s ever do calm and understated?

Isn’t that Hulk Hogan’s theme tune?


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Revolt Radio Presents AL Jisr Hip Hop Mixtape “Bridging Cultures” Part 1

My brother Big Hass over at Re-volt Radio dropped an excellent mixtape a while back.

No bling bling BS that you’ll hear on the commercial airwaves, so if you are in need of some good, socially charged political rap, then this is for you.

This is the soundtrack for our struggle.

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Why America Do Not Want True Democracy In Egypt #Egypt #Jan25 #Jan28

The message coming out of Obama’s administration says democracy is OK for Tunisia but not Egypt because of Israel.

Do you remember Barack Obama’s speech at Cairo University on June 4, 2009, to the Muslim world?

The above interview with State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley by Shihab Rattansi of Al Jazeera shows why Obama talked about Tunisian democracy in the State of the Union but said nothing about democracy in Egypt.

At about 5:40 Rattansi asks Crowley why the U.S. with all its leverage over Egypt doesn’t pressure it to call off the dogs and let the society move toward democracy?

Says Crowley:

“We respect what Egypt contributes to the region, it is a stabilizing force, it has made its own peace with Israel, and is pursuing normal relations with Israel, we think that’s important, we think that’s a model that the region should adopt broadly speaking. at the same time, we recognize that Egypt, Tunisia other countries do need to reform, they do need to respond to the needs of their people, and we encourage that reform and are contributing across the region to that reform.”

Rattansi: [paraphrased] but if Egypt can’t guarantee stability, what’s the point of all your financial support.

Crowley: “We rely on Egypt as an ally to be a stabilizing force in the region… that has benefits across the region.”

Rattansi: “Democracy would be destabilizing to the region generally, wouldn’t it?”

In terms of denial of political participation, internal repression, use of secret police, torture, and summary punishment and execution, it is difficult to distinguish Hosni Mubarak from Saddam Hussein.

But what a difference in the political narrative.

Neocon war plotters, up to and including the president, said Saddam Hussein was a Hitler-like figure who threatened humanity; so regime change was urgent.

By contrast, the brutal, kleptocratic thug Mubarak is lauded as ‘a stabilizing force.’ We’d hate to see him go, really.

And the sole reason for the difference?

As Crowley makes clear with his repetitions, it’s because Mubarak is solid on Israel.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Israel, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Western Hypocrisy

Latest Video Footage of Today’s Anti Government Protests in Egypt #Egypt #Jan25 #Jan28

“Enough of this regime, enough of this corrupt regime” is the battlecry throughout Egypt tonight. The popular peaceful protests currently taking place in Egypt are massive.

Al Jazeera English has reported that they are at least twice as big as those that took place on January 25.

You can watch their live coverage from Egypt on the station’s website. So much better then BBC, CNN & Sky, with their “analysts” who are a “Who’s Who” of hypocrites. Ex-US officials that aided, armed & funded Mubarak’s thuggery.

You can also still follow #jan25 and #jan28 on Twitter where people are tweeting reports that are getting out.

Props to Mondoweiss

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Media Unspeak, Middle East, No Justice No Peace, Reports & Findings, Resistance By All Means Necessary

Decisive Day In Egypt As People Being Shot Down In The Streets

As the video clearly shows, unarmed civilians protesters are being gunned down by Mubarak’s thugs.

The internet has been shut down in Egypt before the big demonstration after Jumma (Friday) prayers.

In the video Mohammed El-Baradei states:

“The right of peaceful demonstration is an absolute right of every human being. I wish that we didn’t have to go to the streets to impress on the regime that it has to change.”

The Akh has no idea how this will turn out for the people of Egypt but I do know that I will make my sincerest duah’s that you don’t suffer many causalities and that you will be victorious in your struggle for your basic freedoms and dignity.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary

Anti-Government Rallies Spread To Yemen

Tens of thousands of people in Yemen have taken to the streets in the country’s capital, calling for an end to the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the president.

Inspired by the recent revolution in Tunisia, opposition members and youth activists are rallying at four different locations in Sanaa on Thursday, chanting for Saleh, who has been in power for 32 years, to step down.

“Enough being in power for [over] 30 years,” protesters shouted during the demonstrations.

They also referred to the ouster of Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, saying he was “gone in just [over] 20 years”.

“No to extending [presidential tenure]. No to bequeathing [the presidency],” they chanted.

Meanwhile Saleh’s ruling General People’s Congress, meanwhile, held counter marches attended by thousands of the government’s backers.

“No to toppling democracy and the constitution,” the president’s supporters said in their banners.

Yemen, an impoverished nation, is grappling with al-Qaeda, a northern rebellion and a secessionist movement in the south.

Saleh has tried to defuse simmering tensions by denying opponents’ claims he plans to install his son as his successor and by raising salaries for the army.

Source: Al-Jazeera

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American Weaponry Killing Egyptian Protesters

American supplied military hardware is being used to kill protesters in Egypt. As the picture clearly states….Made in the USA.

Egypt is the second largest receiver of American military aid, behind Israel.

Everything that is happening in Egypt is about Israel, not about Mubarak.

The Israeli strategy in the Middle East has been firmly set on the continuity of the Sadat-Mubarak dictatorship. Israeli terrorism and occupation is in full effect in Egypt as much as it is in Palestine.

America understands that, (read Hilary Clinton’s statement) and of course Mubrak knows that America understands that too.

So what can we expect?

A continuing tightening of the siege of Gaza by Mubarak and if Mubarak needs to massacre more people in the streets, the American administration and Congress will stand firmly behind him.

Mubarak knows he can live a long life of rule – 31 years and counting. He knows that he can serve Israel and win high scores from the American administration and congress no matter what he does inside Egypt and no matter if he even commits massacres against the Egyptian people.

As long as he keeps his doors open to Netanyahu, and as long as he imposes a savage siege on the people of Gaza, the Americans and most of the western governments remain happy with Mubarak.

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Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary

Get Out Mubarak! Saudi Arabia is Waiting For You

The people have spoken, no matter the perceived strengths of the mukhabarat (secret police) your time is up Hosni Mubarak. Al-Qahira means “the city victorious” in Arabic, and once again it’s people will be victorious!

Get out Mubarak, Saudi Arabia is waiting for you!

On a sidenote, have you noticed the lack of press coverage this is getting? This is as big as the Tienanmen Square uprising, but most of the western press are strangely quiet.

The Egyptian government is blocking twitter and facebook to suppress any reports of their brutal crackdown on the protesters.

There are some excellent people on twitter who are posting up photo’s all the time.

There’s also the facebook group of “We are all Khaled Said” who are constantly updating on the situation.

The Guardian have a rolling blog keeping you updated too.

A UK demonstration to show solidarity with the Egyptian protesters is planned outside the Egypt Embassy in London today between 3pm and 6pm

Seems like social media have trounced the traditional channels.


Filed under 'Muslim' Tyrant Watch, Middle East, Resistance By All Means Necessary

The Tunisian Revolution – It’s Spreading To Jordan

Arab rulers throughout the Middle East still don’t get that it’s their own corrupt rule which inspires popular uprisings which overthrew the president in Tunisia. In Jordan they are taking to the streets in their droves in their desperation for an accountable and transparent rule.

Last nights BBC2 Newsnight report by Tim Whewell reports on the shock waves Tunisia has sent across Jordan – and the whole Arab world.

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