Category Archives: Zionism

It’s Passover & a locust plague hits “God’s chosen people” in Israel

Ban’ee Israel getting swamped by a plague of Locusts over Passover – you couldn’t make it up if you tried.

Just as a swarm of locusts was inflicted on Egypt as one of ten deadly plagues sent by God to persuade the Pharaoh to release the Hebrews from slavery, locusts swarm on the zionists while they keep millions in virtual bondage in occupied Palestine.

Seeing mankind has failed the people of Palestine, maybe we can just leave it to God after all.

Bring on the frogs, rivers turning to blood, darkness and boils.

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Filed under Israel, Palestine, Zionism

Israel, The Gerald Scarfe Cartoon & “Anti-Semitism”

Gerald Scarfe Cartoon Israel sundaytimes 27 01 13

I’m sure if the cartoon by Gerald Scarfe was of the Prophet Muhammed PBUH there would be no apology, instead we’d be reminded that Britain has fine, upstanding traditions of freedom of speech and expression, and nothing is sacred enough to be above satire & Muslims should grow a thicker skin or go back to wherever they came from.

That’s the standard “intellectual” media response.

This comes off the back of Bradford East MP’s David Wards comments that got him into big trouble with the zionist lobby.

Of course, the cartoon and the MP’s statements barely scratch the surface of the actions of Israel.

After all, this is a state that forcibly sterilizes Jewish Ethiopian women before letting them into Israel.

Nazi Germany’s Eugenics programme lives on in Israel today.


Filed under Free Speech, Israel, The Holocaust Industry, Western Hypocrisy, Zionism

Daily Mail & Israel “Strike against Islam”

A Freudian slip by the Daily Mail for their masters in Tel Aviv? or simply yet another example of the Daily Fail at work?

Of course they realised their “mistake” and “UPDATED: 09:38, 29 October 2012” the headline to:

A war promoted by a war hungry zionist media

Still don’t believe it’s a war against Islam?

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Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Iran, Islamophobia, Media Ownership & Control, Zionism

Think Tank Henry Jackson Society Promotes Iran War To Parliament

The Henry Jackson Societies attempt to build a pro war consensus against Iran gathered further pace last week, as they pitched their case of “what it takes to prevent a nuclear Iran” to a packed committee chamber in Parliament.

As we showed in a damning expose last week, penned by Alan Mendoza, a former Co-Director of The Henry Jackson Society (HJS) In a damning indictment, Mendoza stated that the HJS are an:

“abrasively right-wing forum with an anti-Muslim tinge, churning out polemical and superficial pieces by aspiring journalists and pundits that pander to a narrow readership of extreme Europhobic British Tories, hardline US Republicans and Israeli Likudniks…..provides an insight into the obscure backstage world of Conservative politics”

HJS are a Zionist, Neo-Conservative front that are lobbying intensively at the heart of our Government to manufacture consent for an attack on Iran.

A recent study released by the Political Studies Association at the University of Durham titled “Thinking ahead : David Cameron, the Henry Jackson Society and the British Neoconservatives” makes for some very shocking reading to the uninitiated, on matters of Foreign Policy and International Relations.

The “expert talking head” the HJS bought into Parliament to effectively sell war to our politicians was one Michael Makovsky, Foreign Policy Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a right wing, pro war, Neo-Con, American think tank.

Michael Makovsky is himself an interesting character, between 2002-2006, Makovsky served as a special assistant for Iraqi energy policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defence and is a founder and president of MSM Consulting LLC, an energy and political risk consulting firm for various investment firms, focusing on markets and hedging strategies for oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power.

Makovsky also authored “Churchill’s Promised Land” exploring Winston Churchill’s relationship with Zionism.

So what you have is a staunch zionist, that definitely stands to gain ideologically with Iran’s destruction and possibly earning a few bucks by hedging investments on behalf of his clients on the world oil bourse.

Sadly our Parliamentarians are either too stupid or are complicit with this scheme, the picture above was gleefully tweeted by HJS staffer Ray Kassam shows a packed parliamentary committee room listening to the lies being spun:

Just in case our Oxbridge educated political elite have forgotten about the lies and spin that led to the illegal invasion and subsequent murder of over a million innocent Iraqi’s, let’s just remind them of a few facts.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) just released its most recent report GOV/2012/37 30 August 2012on the state of Iran’s nuclear program.

As usual this report is used to hype up the “nuclear Iran” scare.

Rupert Murdoch’s The Times was busily reporting that Iran is stockpiling weapons grade uranium a claim which is so completely false as even its own report below that headline states:

The Israeli diplomat said that Iran was in the process of doubling its capacity at Fordow to about 1,500 centrifuges, increasing the amount of 20 per cent-enriched uranium it could produce. Uranium enriched to 20 per cent fuels Iran’s main research reactor, but it is also just below the level usable in nuclear bombs.”

Not only is any Uranium Iran has below weapons grade but, according to the new IAEA report, “Iran has today less enriched Uranium that could quickly be converted into a nuclear weapon than it had in May 2012”, the time of the IAEA’s last report GOV/2012/23 – dated 25 May 2012 on the issue.

In an unprecedented visit to Israel, Sir John Sawyers, head of Mi6, urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to give the go-ahead to plans to bomb Iran. Britain may well be opposed to taking decisive military action on Iran right now, but with the likes of the HJS beating the drums of war to our Politicians, it makes the likelihood of an escalation of hostilities far more likely.

Recently Sir Nick Harvey the Lib Dem MP was removed from his post in the Ministry of Defence. The former Armed Forces Minister, told friends that he was fired in the reshuffle to allow Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to sign Britain up to an Israeli-US preventive strike to take out Iran’s nuclear installations.

Was Harvey sacked just so he wouldn’t embarrasse the Government by being too critical of Israel’s actions if he had still been in the key Ministry of Defence post?

The row broke as sources confirmed that the US has asked Britain to provide frigates to patrol the Straits of Hormuz, where an Armada of international naval power is massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. That’s quite a manoeuvre to pull off, while the rest of the world is distracted by a video no one ever really saw, cruisers, aircraft carriers and minesweepers from 25 nations have converged onto the Persian Gulf.

On the whole, the “nuclear Iran” scare has little to do with reality and everything to do with the Israeli, American and British desire to subjugate Iran and thereby further their global and regional domination. As was proved in the run upto the Iraq invasion, we cannot expect to read about the reality of Iran when the consensus is dictated by Israeli pro war hawks, to our imbecilic politicians or even in the majority of the western propaganda media channels.

The Neo-Con/Zionist axis of evil promotes wars that have absolutely nothing to do with Britain or the British people. Merchants of hate like the HJS piggy back onto Iran to simply promote their own agenda. They are not interested in the oft quoted “Freedom & Democracy”, peace or the idea that Western civilisation is far more advanced than the rest of the world.

The HJS operate as a “Fifth Column” in Britain, with every single conflict and war that they promote requiring the death of British troops and our taxes to fight their wars. It gives their special interest groups that fund their think tank activities, billions of dollars in extra profits received from servicing the war industry.

You can read further on the Henry Jackson Society in one my recent articles:

Raheem J Kassam – Another “Muslim” house slave for the Neo Cons & Right Wing Tories

As well as the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK taking apart another HJS affiliate, in an article titled:

“Where’s Rupert Sutton’s head at?”


Filed under 4GW, Foreign Policy, Great Britain, House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, Iran, Manufacturing Consent, Middle East, Reports & Findings, Think Tanks, UK politics, Zionism

Rachel Corrie – Murdered by Israel

Rachel Corrie was 23 years old when she was murdered by an Israeli military bulldozer tank in 2003. This morning, after almost a decade long struggle to see justice prevail, an Israeli court decided that there was no negligence on part of the Israeli state or army and dismissed a civil lawsuit brought by her family.

As the video of a fifth grade Rachel Corrie testifies, she was driven by compassion, by truth and by justice and when she heard of Palestine she took action, she commented:

“I feel like I’m witnessing the systematic destruction of a people’s ability to survive”

Rachel Corrie was murdered by the Israeli authorities as she defended children, whose home was about to be illegally bulldozed in an ethnic cleansing operation to grab more land.

Just as the rapist blames its victims, as do the Israeli authorities sickeningly blame Rachel Corrie for her murder.

Just as a black man couldn’t get justice from the judiciary system in Apartheid era South Africa, anyone not inside the Zionist circle is exempt from justice in Israel today.

While the Rachel Corrie Foundation continue in their quest for justice, in the eyes of the people, Israel and its apparatus are stone wall guilty of murder.

Tom Dale who was present at the time of Rachel Corrie’s murder was scathing in his response to the Israeli court and the BBC’s attempt at an impartial interview.

The sheer hatred of Zionists has been typical, on twitter the following comment was typical and sums up the zionist mentality:

The IDF claim to be the world’s ‘most moral army’ and yet act with impunity.

You’d be wrong to think this was an isolated case, Israeli soldiers shot dead James Miller, a British television documentary journalist and Tom Hurndall, a British photographer and pro-Palestinian activist. In November 2002, an Israeli sniper had killed a British United Nations worker, Iain Hook, in Jenin in the West Bank.

British inquests returned verdicts of unlawful killings in all three deaths, but Israel rejected calls for the soldiers who killed Miller and Hook to be held to account. The Israeli military initially whitewashed Hurndall’s killing but after an outcry led by his parents and British government pressure, the sniper who shot him was sentenced to eight years in prison for manslaughter.

That sentence apparently did nothing to erode a military mindset that sees only enemies.

As Glenn Greenwald rightly points out;

The US and its loyal thinktank scholars have long demanded that other states maintain an “independent judiciary” as one of the key ingredients for living under the rule of law. But these latest episodes demonstrate, yet again, that the judiciary in the US, along with the one in its prime Middle East client state, is anything but “independent”: its primary function is to shield government actors from accountability.

Israeli courts have submissively accepted the supreme fiction of their own narrative: anyone impeding government actions is a terrorist or terrorist-enabler who gets what they deserve, while the actions of the state, no matter how savage, can never be anything other than legitimate.

The world is turning against the Israeli apartheid regime and Israel yet again is painting itself further into a corner and it only has itself to blame.

The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions programme against Israel is one that all people of conscience should support. Caterpillar, who supplies the specially designed bulldozing tanks to the Israeli ethnic cleansing forces have just as much blood on their hands as the driver and those who gave the orders to kill.

It’s high time businesses put humanity before profits.

Rachel Corrie – one day, you and all those that have suffered at the hands of the Israeli’s will get the true justice you deserve.


This article was cross posted on the MPACUK website
8:06 pm, Tue 28 Aug 2012

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Filed under Israel, No Justice No Peace, Palestine, Zionism

American Jews are falling out of love with Israel

Norman Finkelstein was on BBC Hardtalk recently, the topic being discussed – American Jews are falling out of love with Israel.

Finkelstein argued that American Jews are now so unhappy with the murderous and quite frankly indefensible actions of Israel, that they want to distance themselves from that country.

Watch out, the Hardtalk presenter Sarah Montague looks to be an Israeli hasbara agent.

Dr. Finkelstein is adept at putting zionists firmly in their place, even beating the trump card of the holocaust, as this old blog piece testifies.

And if you still want more, I’ll direct you to read “On the Crisis of Zionism” an article on the much discussed Peter Beinart book. You know when Rolling Stone magazine starts covering Palestine it’s getting to be a pretty mainstream issue in America.

Recently Hebrew graffiti denouncing Zionism was sprayed inside Israel’s own Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in occupied Jerusalem:

Translated into English, the above reads as:

“The war of the Zionist regime is not the war of the Jewish people”


Filed under Media Highlight of the Week, The Holocaust Industry, Zionism

What’s up with these debating Muslims & “Quran Camp”?

The pacified, non political muslim can organise a 3 day “Quran camp” & fly in esteemed ulema from all over the world to attend and discuss all great matters of fiqh.

You know the important stuff like the etiquette of sneezing & should the man who’s riding a horse offer to say salaam first to the man who’s walking.

When will they gather to teach Muslims how to defend themselves?

While you debate, it’s the non-Muslim, you know, the one who you call a “Kuff” who’s out there in Palestine putting his body between the israeli murderers and Palestinian children.

Well done to the great debaters, keep perfecting yourself!

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Filed under Non Political Muslims, Zionism

YouTube orders me to remove anti Muslim hate speech made by Roberta Moore – Leader of EDL Jewish Division

Roberta Moore the leader of the racist English Defence League’s Jewish division played the copyright card and got YouTube to issue a cease & desist order against a video I uploaded of her, making a hate speech against Muslims at an EDL rally in Dudley on July 17 2010.

As you can see from the capture the EDL Jewish division leader has a problem with free speech, yet funnily enough hid behind that very same rule to make her hate filled speech against Muslims in a public arena.

I’ve taken the liberty to re-upload the video for the sake of posterity, if you have a YouTube, or any other video sharing account for that matter, kindly distribute this video and let the truth ring free, as this zionist & racist machine we’re fighting will resort to every trick in the book to cover up and legitimise their hateful agenda.

In the words of Roberta Moore herself it’s:
“actually the Jewish Division that exploits the EDL.”

Zionists & the EDL, two groups that act as magnets for extremist right-wing rhetoric, supporting one another through xenophobia and ethno-centric supremacy.

A BBC2 Newsnight programme titled “Inside the English Defence League leadership” clearly showed EDL spokesman Amit/Guramit Singh saying that he receives his “intelligence” on Islam “from our researchers in Israel”.

The marriage of these extremist hate preachers and nationalist thugs is not just a marriage of convenience, it’s love at first sight.

Otherwise that Masajid that was almost burned down in Bury Park, Luton a few days ago (Luton being EDL HQ) will not become the exception, it will become the rule.

The EDL have previously stated: “Burn Our Poppies, We’ll Burn Your Mosques”

And days later a Muslim community centre in Ipswich was burned down.

Muslims have to take notice of this growing menace and take political action to stop it dead in its tracks NOW!


Filed under Free Speech, Great Britain, Islamophobia, Racism, Rise of the Far Right, Zionism

Khader Adnan – Exposing What Israeli “Administrative Detention” Really Means

Father of Khader Adnan campaigning for his sons release

Khader Adnan has been on hunger strike for 66 days against his “administrative detention” by Israel without charge or trial. His fight for the rights of Palestinian political prisoners has garnered mass support from Amnesty International stating “Israeli authorities have revealed no evidence justifying his continued detention.”

The online campaign via Twitter using the hashtag #HungerStrikingfor65days was the strongest hashtag yet, tens of thousands tweeted using that hashtag and it remained the #1 globally trending topic. Social media has got millions of people to pay attention to Khader Adnan’s case online.

For as long as I can remember, The West & Israel have continually stated the Palestinians should forego any means of armed resistance for “non violent” peaceful demonstration.

Many have continually asked where the Palestinian Ghandhi’s are?

With armed resistance against Israel at an all time low, despite continual bombings and assassinations carried out with impunity by israeli death squads, Palestinians have not reacted in any forceful manner.

This israeli policy of “administrative detention” is no different to the internment policy used by the apartheid era South African government. Khader Adnan is one case, but israel holds men, women and children in prison. Many, like Khader, have no charges made against them and are imprisoned on an indefinite basis.

No due process, no habeas corpus, no justice, a crime in itself from the self styled “Only democracy in the Middle East”.

Recently I’ve been re-reading Joe Sacco’s Palestine a moving comic/graphic novel that captures the issues of Palestine in a very simple and yet compelling manner. I’d go as far as to say that if you know someone who knows absolutely nothing about Palestine, give them this book to read and you’ll have a Pro-Palestine advocate on your hands.

There was a chapter in the book titled “The tough & the dead” which I’ve embedded below. This is what typically happens to the people that israel puts through it’s indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial, that it gives the innocuous sounding term “administrative detention”.

It is wholly relevant to what our political prisoners like Khader Adnan are put through:

To view in fullscreen click here

I am updating the blog on a regular weekly basis and would like to thank my regular readers for their patience over my haphazard output recently. If you wish to engage with me on a daily basis, the please follow me on twitter @HotterThanCurry


Filed under 4GW, Boycott Divestment Sanctions, Morals & Ethics, Palestine, Racism, Resistance By All Means Necessary, Zionism

Co-opting Dissent: The Muslim Leadership Council & The Relaunched All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia

What do the ‘Dem-Cons’ government do when they need approval from a representative Muslim body?

Easy, they create the Muslim Leadership Council, handpicking who gets to be on the body itself.

Paul Goodman over at CONservative home seems to think every single Muslim involved in the scheme is a closet Islamist.

The interesting fight of course is between the Conservative heavyweights (in every sense of the word).

In one corner we have Eric ‘chicken tikka masala’ Pickles

In the other corner we have Saeeda ‘every muslim apart from me is an extremist kaffir’ Warsi

What they are wrestling for (disgusting image if you think about it) is the soul of the Conservative right wing.

Muslims, like always, are smack bang in the middle of it all.

Last year, An All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia was formed, the secretariat of which was ENGAGE.

Zionist MP’s from across the board were spurred into action by their masters to remove Engage from their position as secretariat to the APPG on Islamophobia, and as ever, they succeeded in doing so.

Now you know the background, you’ll be able to follow my logic.

The government and it’s zionist cadre, always need a Muslim partner to act as a yes man and rubber stamp it’s actions.

Ostensibly this was the MCB (Muslim Council of Britain’s) job for many years, until Daud Abdullah decided he could no longer tolerate British political support for Israel after 2010’s ‘Cast Lead’ attack on Gaza.

He was savagedly attacked in the media for saying what the majority of the muslims in the UK think.

Since then, the MCB & MINAB and a whole bunch of Muslim Acronym groups have been given the cold shoulder.

Other government created fronts like the The Sufi Muslim Council were brilliantly exposed.

So it left the government and it’s zionist sponsored schemes for Muslims in disarray, without a Muslim yes man, how can we play our RAND created moderate V extremist, divide and rule policy?

Step up the Muslim Leadership Council.

It’s very important to understand how good the system is at co-opting dissenting voices and that most discussions within the media are often the first step for the issue to be reabsorbed into ‘the system’, investigated or committee’d to death & out of consciousness.

As I was ready to publish this, news got to me that the APPG on Islamophobia, as written about above, had been relaunched within Westminster.

Dr. Chris Allen (The Key Trends Of Islamophobia & Anti-Muslim Hate Crime) is someone who’s work I recognise in fighting Islamophobia and helping shaping policy to eradicate it.

However, even Dr. Allen wasn’t immune to being co-opted into the system, when his “Independent report to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia” was inadvertently used to remove Engage from it’s role as secretary.

As it was put to Dr. Allen, you can write intellectually impressive analyses of the subtle nuances of the meaning contained in the term Islamophobia, but when it comes to making basic political judgements in response to the actual operation of anti-Muslim bigotry in the real world, you clearly don’t have a fucking clue.

The relaunch of the group now has Khalid Mahmood MP (Labour) as co-chair.

For anyone who doesn’t know about Khalid Mahmood, he’s an absolute waste of space career politician. He’s never raised the issue of Islamophobia, he voted for the Iraq war, he’s refused to condemn Israel on several occasions and to show what a great Muslim he is, he had an affair with Elaina Cohen and claimed the hotel he used for his sleazy rendezvous on his expenses….so he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed either.

By appointing someone like Khalid Mahmood, the system has the element of control it requires and will use the token Muslim face to once again act as gate keeper and block any dissenting opinion from the Muslim community, one that Khalid Mahmood has been doing successfully in Birmingham for many a year, and one he will get to replicate at the highest level possible.

No Muslim political group or lobby (and by political I mean in the sense of defending the rights of Muslims in the UK and worldwide, yes chaps it’s foreign policy) can be created by the government.

This political group can only be created and funded by almost 3 million Muslims in the UK.

The vision, aims, strategy and tactics have to be developed by us.

The ownership has to be ours.

Sadly we hear of the 99% and the 1% all too often.

Of the 3 million Muslims in the UK, I’d say that not even 1% are defending the Muslims and the Ummah – getting politically active – to change the betterment of mankind.

Government created means government owned.

Stop funding the building of new glass chandeliers and marble floors in your Masajid, it is not a priority.

Creating the 800lb gorilla that fights politically for the rights of Muslims in the UK, (ultimately the actions taken by the politicians in the UK that effect Muslims the world over) HAS to become our number one priority.

Are you with me?


Filed under Great Britain, Islamophobia, UK politics, Zionism