Dr. Norman Finkelstein: “If You Had Any Heart in You, You’d be Crying for the Palestinians”

Watch how Dr. Finkelstein puts a zionist in firmly in their place, even beating the trump card of the holocaust.


Filed under Israel, Media Unspeak, Palestine

4 responses to “Dr. Norman Finkelstein: “If You Had Any Heart in You, You’d be Crying for the Palestinians”

  1. abu

    That was so good. And a soundbite theme needs to be developed around this. Something like,

    “you where the victims of the holocaust, and the palestinans are victims of your holocaust, and you have become the new nazis to them.”

    In fact a new term such as neo holocaust

  2. Zubair

    A true jew!

  3. Rea


    Dr. Finkelstein Rocks!!!!

  4. Adam

    May Allah guide him and save him in the hereafter.

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